All The Grocer articles in 12 October 2002 – Page 2

  • News

    The Saturday Essay - Lord Haskins


    Lord Haskins argues that the creation of a retail ombudsman would be one way to ensure supermarkets are seen to deal fairly with their suppliers and respond to their legitimate complaints.Farmer, consumer and environmentalist pressure groups...

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    Enfield's a snug fit for Morrison


    The latest step in Morrisons' continued expansion from its heartland has brought it to the grocery battleground of Enfield.Morrisons' recently opened third store inside the M25 brings it into the heartland of the big two. In choosing a location...

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    Hard talk from a discounter


    Discounters are notoriously secretive about all aspects of their business but now one, the Danish chain Netto, has broken its silence to talk about strategy and plans for the future. Thomas Jellum, Netto UK's good-humoured MD, says the company is...

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    Director Murphy takes tea with Twinings


    Paul Murphy will become Twinings commercial director from December 2 as the company gears up for the launch of a £3m brand support campaign in the New Year. The campaign will include sampling, door drops and multi-media advertising as well as...

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    Shares dip


    Global retailer Ahold rushed out a statement this week to calm investors after its shares fell 10% in the wake of a report suggesting it may be forced to buy out its Scandinavian partners, ICA and Canica. Ahold chief financial officer Michiel...

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    Netto was founded in Denmark as a hard discounter and now op


    The UK business has 400 UK and international suppliers and backhauls all around the country. It claims to be one of the first retailers to operate factory gate pricing, which it began five years ago. Its 129 stores are in England and they carry...

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    Exclusive Philadelphia coup for Tesco


    Mary Carmichael Kraft Foods has done a deal with Tesco to bring out an exclusive limited edition variant of its Philadelphia soft cheese brand. The Blue Cheese spread, made with Danish Blue, will be available in the chain's stores from now...

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    With so much competition in the licensing market, one way to


    Yoplait Dairy Crest has gone down this route and launched a range of Andy Pandy fromage frais in September. Jennie Dettmer, group brand manager, says: "Our aim within children's licensing is to secure classics that hold longevity and broad appeal,...

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    Chupa Chups goes Sprazy


    International confectionery player Chupa Chups is to bring a new challenger to the spray confectionery market with the launch of Sprazy. The spray candy in a liquid format, under the Crazy Planet banner, will be aimed at eight to 12-year-old...

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    Sweets for the Chamber


    Masterfoods has launched the latest tier of offerings under its giant Harry Potter licensing deal. Rolling out to stores now, Honeydukes Best Chocolate Bar becomes a permanent addition to the existing line up. It is a nougat and caramel...

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    Decongestants - an emerging category


    Decongestant products have emerged over the past year as a growing, but seperate, single remedy sector.GSK OTC category manager Greg Bertolotti attributes the emergence of this sector to two factors: first, that in mild winters, there are...

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    Lawson refutes DEFRA cash rumours


    Food from Britain has dimissed speculation that DEFRA would refuse to give it the extra cash expected in the wake of the Policy Commission's report on the Future of Farming and Food. FFB director of business and UK services Charlotte Lawson...

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    Captivating the kids with eatertainment


    A character's universal appeal does not guarantee success in the licensed food sector. Sean McAllister finds the magic mix Who's more entertaining, Bart Simpson or Scooby-Doo? This is the kind of question kids ask themselves when turning on the...

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    First milk energy drink from Cadbury


    Simon Mowbray Cadbury may follow the launch of its new Boost energy chocolate bars by bringing out a branded drink spin-off. The Grocer has learned that the company has just taken exactly that tack Down Under where the guarana-boosted...

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    Quitters bring rich pickings


    Allergy relief products and aids to stop smoking have really taken off Two markets are emerging as potential cash cows for grocery ­ nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and hayfever and allergy products. Now licensed GSL, NRT is enjoying...

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    Loyalty schemes have a bright future say young grocery manag


    As the Nectar loyalty scheme is launched amid much hype and Tesco boosts its Clubcard offer through a tie-in with the TV show Who Wants to be a Millionnaire, IGD quizzed 840 Leading Edge members on their views of loyalty cards (Reader Panel, page...

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    Spitfire's still got bottle


    Rosie Davenport Shepherd Neame looks set to spark fresh controversy after promising provocative new TV ads for Spitfire Ale. The £600,000 commercials, which will be Spitfire's first TV appearance, follow the same strategy as the ale's...

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    Booker delivery hubs go online


    Elaine Watson Retailers in the Midlands can now place orders with Booker on the internet from the first of a new breed of delivery hubs' in Wolverhampton. The move is the first stage of Booker's plan to consolidate delivered operations into...

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    Blockbuster boosts its offer with booze


    Video rental chain Blockbuster is rolling out off-licence fixtures in its stores. Initially 23 sites will be fitted with chillers and sell a range of stock including Stella Artois lager and E&J Gallo branded wines, although Blockbuster is...

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    Regional organic logos blasted


    Anne Bruce The Soil Association has received a hostile reception from other organic certification bodies with the launch of new regional organic logos on the eve of Organic Week (Oct 14-20). With the Soil Association, which certifies about...