All The Grocer articles in 19 February 2005 – Page 2

  • News

    made to measure


    With competition between the leading supermarkets as fierce as ever, brand owners face an interesting dilemma: how do they maintain value in their categories when their retail customers are forcing down prices? Customisation could be an answer,...

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    Morrisons lifts Waitrose sales


    Waitrose appears to be reaping the rewards of its acquisition of 19 stores from Morrisons.The supermarket, which reports its figures in full next month, said sales in the 12 months to January 29 were up by 12% on the same period last...

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    Poised for a liquid gold rush


    Drinks are likely to become the leading functional food and Coca-Cola has spied a major opportunityAccording to a survey conducted recently by the National Nutritional Foods Association, almost two thirds of adults aged 50 or older,...

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    Industry fury at ‘useless’ tag


    UK food and drink industry bodies have hit out at claims that they are “useless” made in a new report.The Milk Development Council, the British Potato Council and the Wine Standards Board were all described in the report on the UK’s 529 quangos...

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    Texaco’s forecourt retreat


    Texaco is looking to offload a further 100 company-owned forecourt sites over the next 18 months as it focuses on its core fuel distribution business.Speaking as the fuel giant revealed it was in talks with Somerfield about selling 140 of its...

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    Independents could be forced to jettison staff


    Eight out of 10 independent retailers say they will have to ditch staff if there is a rise in the national minimum wage rates, according to The Grocer’s latest reader panel survey.The finding comes just days before the Low Pay Commission is due...

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    FSA keeps food industry guessing over profiling


    The Food Standards Agency has dismissed speculation that it has already decided to exempt meat and dairy products from the controversial nutrient profiling model that will underpin the classification of foods into healthy and unhealthy.Industry...

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    Even more Sensations


    Walkers is introducing a limited edition Roasted Onion & Balsamic Vinegar flavour and two new Sensations Selections multipacks to its premium lines.The two multipacks include Eastern Selection – containing packs of Tandoori Masala...

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>farmer-controlled businesses extolled: Stuart Thomson of English Farming & Food PartnershipsWe regularly hear major retailers and suppliers extolling supply chain collaboration and the benefits of working more closely with...

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    Edden’s paradise is full of promise


    The user-friendliness of Vitality’s automated warehouse system sets it apart from other cash and carry groups. Rod Addy reportsNicky Edden, joint MD of Tottenham-based Vitality Group cash and carry, is focused on making life as easy...

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    Paddy’s dream factory


    Paddy Hughes, the logistics manager at Gü Chocolate Puds, on why he chose to move from a large retailer to a minnow manufacturerWhen offered the job at Gü Chocolate Puds, I was working for Tesco. It seemed quite daunting. I was...

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    Dangers of the organics quest


    Consumption of fruit and vegetables could be hit by a “double whammy” if the drive towards organic systems continues, a scientist at the University of Edinburgh has warned.Organic produce is more expensive and it carries a higher risk from the...

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    Danish Crown restructure


    Danish Crown is to restructure its pork and bacon activities in the UK. A new company, Danish Crown UK, will be established at the current premises of DBI in Manchester on May 1.Danish Crown UK will incorporate the sales of fresh pork currently...

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    Hotdogs must declare MRM content


    Hotdog suppliers must revise their labelling if they want to continue using the American term for their sausages.According to guidance notes due to be released by LACORS, the government organisation that assists local authorities in the UK to...

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    Consumer Insight


    Who eats melon?* In the last year melons were eaten on 251 million occasions, 93.5% of which were in the home. Consumption fell by 0.3%* Most melon is consumed at the evening meal and is 133% more likely to feature at...

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    Consumer feedback


    >>recently launched better-for-you brands testedBetter-for-you took a more practical note during the last 12 months, with a number of new products introduced that offered consumers easy to understand benefits. In an environment...

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    Growers hit by cold snap


    Spanish tomato growers around the Nijar area in Almeria have appealed to the Spanish government for compensation for substantial losses caused by unexpected cold weather.Frost has destroyed plants and polyhouses have collapsed under the weight...

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    Grampian makes chicken easy


    Somerfield has launched a new ‘Primary Plus’ fresh chicken range into its stores under the Grampian brand.The products, which went on sale on Wednesday, are designed to be easy to cook and offer short cooking times. They are selling alongside...

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    Sir John’s fillip to cheesemakers


    Sir John Krebs’ assertion that cheese is an important part of a healthy diet should be music to the ears of the cheese industry, which fears that any traffic-light labelling system could vilify the product as an unhealthy food.Sir John, Food...

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    Price pulls more than cards


    Shoppers are not as loyal to loyalty card schemes as they are to low prices, exclusive research for The Grocer has revealed.A survey of more than 2,000 adult shoppers showed that more than half (54%) of shoppers would prefer their supermarkets...