All The Grocer articles in 22 June 2002 – Page 4

  • News

    Bogof's week


    My thanks this week go to agriculture minister Nick Brown for hosting a splendid media party at MAFF's Smith Square offices. The minister ­ clutching a glass of organic gin, in breach of his New Year's resolution ­ was in jocular mood. "Welcome,...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    The impeccably coiffured Elizabeth Edwards, UK marketing manager of Twinings tea, caused rather a frisson at the first Food and Drink Federation organic forum last week, reports a colleague. Her confession she was feeling "rather delicate" after a...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    The National Farmers' Union gave journalists attending its press conference in London this week a firm dose of motherly love. As we arrived for the mid-morning session, president Ben Gill was on hand with a silver salver of bacon sandwiches. Not a...

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    Bogof's week


    The grocery industry's supreme efforts to get food supplies back on track after the fuel crisis threw up a few interesting instore sights last weekend. A colleague was busy hunting bread and milk at a Tesco in West Sussex (well even responsible...

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    Bogof's week


    While the nation's fittest, including many distinguished foodies, sweated and puffed around London in the Marathon last Sunday, I trotted gently off to Olympia for the Natural Products Show ­ a feast of organics. Not just pony tailed, lentil soup...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    It's Sunday and it's the Summer Fancy Food Show in the ninety degrees heat of the Big Apple! (Well, it makes a change from London in the rain.) This is the food fair where sinister looking guys in black suits with shades do impressions of the...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    Joined in the fun with the Whitbread dignatories as they enjoyed their last ever Stella Artois tennis tournament at Queen's Club. Judging by the numbers ensconced in the lovely tea and ­ hmm ­ bar area, it's obvious not all of them will miss the...

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    Bogof's week


    Dragged myself over to Stockley Park last Friday as Heinz opened its doors to us press types to give us the lowdown on what its plans are for its newly acquired frozen food division. But what transpired over lunch was most interesting. A Heinz...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    Continuing my tour of the trade's summer social rounds, it was across to Dublin for the fashionable Kerrygold Horse Show. This is the four-day knees-up where the authentic horsey folk who know a thing or two about fetlocks mingle with the grocery...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    It's hard to imagine Tesco without Terry Leahy. But it could so easily have happened, as one of my colleagues was startled to discover this week. He was attending the Swedish government's Food Chain conference ­ not the sort of place you would...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    I read in The Sun ­ where else? ­ that Tesco has hired a seven year old boy to explain the Pokémon craze to them. Laurie Sleator ­ for it is he ­ gives his unique briefings in return for Pokémon goodies (and, I assume, a bodyguard to see ...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    The cast seems to change every year, but the Booker Prize for Excellence 2001 at the Park Lane Hilton was the usual glittering affair. Instead of Stuart Rose (Malcolm Walker didn't even hang around long enough to make one appearance) Bill Grimsey...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    I'm sure I wasn't the only one to enjoy seeing the repeat this week of the infamous BBC tv programme where Sainsbury's Dino Adriano went back to the shopfloor. Who could forget the sight of Dino wrapped up in that extremely snug polyester uniform?...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    A Tesco love-in at the Marketing Society retail forum came to an abrupt halt last week when a spy was spotted in the crowd. Carolyn Bradley, COO of, had just got on stage, blushing from marketing director Tim Mason's reference to her as...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    There were a few surprises on the opening day of the ECR Europe conference in Glasgow, not least the shocking sight of Unilever's Antony Burgmans and Marks and Spencer's Luc Vandevelde striding on to the stage in kilts. I am glad to say the kilts ­...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    One of my colleagues was chatting this week with new Booker boss Malcolm Walker who has been busy meeting customers this week ­ among them Baz Patel who runs a store in Luton. But it seems Walker was as impressed with Patel's big, posh car as he...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    Further proof of how competitive the multiples are came this week when Sainsbury and Tesco organised summer bashes for the same night, the same time and the same stretch of the Thames. Although one spin doctor admitted to me that the diary clash...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    Hardened hack I may be, but even I was blushing this week when a Design Bridge trip to Sainsbury's backfired. Designers Peter and David had come up with arty two-tone judging cards to help a group of 12 elderly shoppers pick out examples of good...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    I return to the office with a spring in my step this week ­ I have realised that I am not the oldest person in grocery. Who is? Look no further than the Co-op. Never mind the thrusting executives of CWS and United Norwest, most of those attending...

  • News

    Bogof's week


    I have always had a soft spot for former Iceland boss Malcolm Walker and his shoot-from-the-hip style of management. Even when he was being a bit ­ well, how can I put this? ­ economical with the truth. No, I am not talking here about share dealing...