All The Grocer articles in 22 June 2002 – Page 6

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    Although my life is one constant whirl of hectic social activity (all in the name of work, you understand) I do occasionally like to put my feet up and relax. So my thanks to those lovely people at the absurdly named PriceWaterhouseCoopers for...

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    Bogof's week


    Nice to see Mr Vandevelde and his posse of M&S directors modelling the latest in M&S's menswear at the M&S interim results presentation this week. When they stood up to reveal the shirts and ties under the smart suits, I was a little worried that...

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    Bogof's week


    You could tell BBC anchorman Michael Buerk was happy in his work at the IGD convention by the way he laid into some of the speakers. Particularly the marketers among them. And Labour spin meister Philip Gould. Buerk told the audience whenever...

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    Bogof's week


    This is the time of year when half of grocery appears to wander around in a haze as the seasonal bashes take their toll. But our vote for the whackiest and best of all the Christmas bunfights goes to the Irish Food Board (Bord Bía) who staged a...

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    Bogof's week


    I am constantly amazed at the way in which the boffins at food and drink companies come up with whizzy new gizmos that even we didn't know were necessary to make our lives easier. This year's Wimbledon tennis championships is not an obvious place...

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    Bogof's week


    One of the highlights of our trip to SIAL is always the first night bash laid on by Food from Britain. That's the occasion when nearly 200 food folk pack into the UK pavilion, gorge themselves on British delicacies and sup enough to make even the...

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    Bogof's week


    OK, so twelfth night is here, but memories of the festive bashes linger. My eardrums still ache from the pounding they received at the IGD's whacky Glitter Ball. The sound system at that Park Lane hostelry makes the phrase ghettoblaster...

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    Bogof's week


    And so to the British Retail Consortium's annual dinner. Surely this is the only event in the world where the speeches last longer than the meal itself ­ despite being served more courses than your average bacchalian orgies. Chairman Sir David...

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    Bogof's week


    I'm going to start this week with a bit of a rant ­ and why not, it's my column. Why is it that the switchboards of so many big companies (mostly American owned companies, it has to be said) are refusing to give out job titles, confirm name...

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    Watch out Jerry Springer! The Grocer is going on telly. We're dumping our laptops in favour of microphones and even our esteemed editor has been seen trawling the Harrods counters for the right "rugged shades" of make-up. We've been on a course to...

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    Bogof's week


    Never in my life have I heard hardened hacks gasp at a press conference. "We have decided to accept neither bid," said Dame Helena Shovelton at the Lottery Commission's press conference in London on Wednesday, causing a sharp intake of breath from...

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    Bogof's week


    Back with the Rollers and Bentleys Brigade on Monday at the bash that's still Numero Uno in London's summer social calendar Chelsea Flower Show. Mind you, I took an unglamorous, but highly practical, London Transport double decker from Victoria...

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    Bogof's week


    Footie mania brought The Grocer's sparkling evening with FSA boss Sir John Krebs to a precisely timed conclusion on Monday. And the standards of the Landmark Hotel's nibbles were well and truly investigated as the delegates ­ Sir John among them ­...

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    Bogof's week


    The ripple effect from our exclusive interview with the Princess Royal about GM foods goes on and on. Even when Princess Anne, as president, hosted a lunch for the great and good at the Royal Highland Show she was given a formal reminder of the...

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    Bogof's week


    The imagery displayed by those who project our multiples to the media knows no bounds. We've seen bright striped blazers and boaters, not to mention the spats worn by one Cheshunt figure a few years ago. But colour tinted hair? Surely not? Yet, a...

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    Bogof's week


    Summer's arrival means it's test match time again, so it was off to Lord's last weekend to watch our lads hammer the Pakistanis. Great occasion, plenty from the ranks of grocery's great and good lapping up the sunshine (and gallons of Champers)....

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    Bogof's week


    I'll start with a touch of envy this week. Our esteemed editor breezed back into the office after two days on the tropical paradise island of Mauritius. He insists he never sunbathed once or even mixed with Europe's holidaymaking filthy rich during...

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    Amid all the terribly worthy stuff at the ECR Europe jamboree in Turin last week, it was refreshing to see one piece of Efficient Consumer Response in action. Picture the scene: the main hall in the former Fiat car factory was packed with stands...

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    Bogof's week


    Digby Jones, director general of the CBI, made a lot of new friends this week with his fiery ­ and very funny ­ speech to the National Farmers' Union annual dinner. Jones pointed out that the country was forgetting the plight of its farmers, who he...

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    Bogof's week


    Back on the endless social round again. This time it was the National Grocers' Benevolent Fund annual ball last Friday night at London's Grosvenor House Hotel. With 2001: A Space Odyssey as the theme, it was a smashing occasion for the golden oldies...