All The Grocer articles in 24 November 2007

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  • News

    M&S pyjamas help stop MRSA


    Pyjamas containing a special silver thread that reduces the spread of infection have gone on sale in M&S.The £45 “sleep safe” pyjamas are currently being trialled at 100 stores.M&S is the first retailer in the UK to stock the...

  • News

    Commission orders Tesco to sell store


    The Competition Commission will force Tesco to sell a controversial former Co-op store in Slough after concluding it had reduced competition in the area.Tesco also owns a 100,000sq ft superstore in the area, which is less than a mile away...

  • News

    Asda slashes cost of vintage champagne


    Asda has started selling premium champagne Dom Perignon for just £30 a bottle.The retailer has announced it will be selling the 1999 vintage, normally £95, at a reduced rate in time for the start of the festive season.Asda is only...

  • News

    Innocent reduces carbon footprint by 15%


    Smoothie maker Innocent Drinks says it has cut its carbon footprint by 15% in just six months after joining the Carbon Trust's eco-labelling scheme.The company has been working on a number of initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, including...

  • News

    Hauliers consider petrol protest


    Hauliers are meeting this week to discuss possible action against escalating fuel prices.Bernard Howard, a pig farmer from Peterborough who also runs a small haulage firm, warned prime minister Gordon Brown yesterday that public protests...

  • News

    Profit up at Asda


    Asda recorded a 3.6% increase in pre-tax profit to £593m for the year to 31 December 2006 on sales up 6% at £15.7bn.Like-for-like sales growth for the year was in “low single digits” according to the latest results filed at Companies House...

  • News

    Sleeping soundly


    Migrant labourers working in food processing and packaging plants all over the country are sleeping on the premises, according to Fire Brigade officials. The shocking revelation is part of a string of abuse claims being investigated by both...

  • News

    premier's vat tussle


    Premier Foods has been dealt a major blow after the High Court referred a VAT dispute involving its Hartley's Fruit Bars back to tribunal.The company, Britain's largest food manufacturer, faces a tax bill of nearly £200,000 if it loses...

  • News

    Doing well? We think not say pig producers


    Britain's pig farmers have slammed the British Retail Consortium for telling BBC Radio York that producers were "doing perfectly well".The National Pig Association has received dozens of angry calls about the comments by a BRC...

  • News

    M&S has the most respect


    Marks & Spencer is the most highly regarded company in the UK, according to a survey of nearly 2,000 consumers by the CBI.The retailer topped the list, gaining twice as many mentions as second-placed John Lewis Partnership. Tesco and...

  • News

    Express opens in Sir Terry's village


    Sir Terry Leahy now has a Tesco store on his doorstep, after an Express in Cuffley, Hertfordshire, opened controversially this week.The retailer got permission in August to convert a former Harvester pub in Sir Terry's home village to...

  • News

    UK lobbies Europe for green VAT rate


    The government is lobbying Brussels for the right to slash VAT on products that are environmentally friendly, The Grocer has learnt.Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling and France's finance minister Christine Legarde have sent a...

  • News

    Nisa faction hostilities are resumed by email


    A bitter email row has broken out between Nisa-Today's members ahead of the buying group's agm next Wednesday.The Grocer has received copies of two anonymous communications from Nisa-Today's members, one slating the Nisa Members...

  • News

    FSA eases up onsugars


    The Food Standards Agency has changed the rules for measuring sugars within its traffic-light labelling scheme in a move that suggests it is softening its black and white stance towards food ingredients.New guidance advising companies...

  • News

    Doorstepping nisa style


    Next week's Nisa-Today's agm looks set to be 'a bit tasty', to say the least. While all the candidates are talking positively about their visions for the future, the issues that proved so divisive last year keep reappearing....

  • Profiles

    Smith is 'step in right direction' for the FSA


    The Food Standards Agency's appointment of food industry veteran Tim Smith as its new chief executive has been described as "step in the right direction" and a shrewd move by FSA chair Dame Deirdre Hutton.Smith, the former chief...

  • News

    Forget Delta Two. King's doing well


    Sainsbury's management continue to do a great job restoring the chain's fortunes and could well deliver impressive profits in 2009That J Sainsbury put out a very solid set of interims last week will most probably be lost in the noise...

  • News

    Drinks suppliers' pleas fall on deaf ears as stores crank up promotions


    Drinks companies hoping retailers would go easier on the deep discounts this Christmas are in for a depressing reality check.Major suppliers - including Diageo, Pernod Ricard and Beam Global Spirits & Wine - pleaded with retailers to go...

  • News

    Contract proposals a threat to milk supply


    The model milk contract launched last week by the NFU and NFU Scotland could destabilise the industry and lead to shortages for processors, critics have warned.Farmers' leaders have billed the proposals as an opportunity to make...

  • News

    Strawberry growers hit as 'gate to Gaza' closes


    Up to 2,000 tonnes of strawberries will be left to rot in Gaza Strip this winter, jeopardising the livelihoods of hundreds of growers as the deteriorating security situation brings exports to a virtual standstill.It is the first time in...