All The Grocer articles in 27 October 2007 – Page 4

  • Comment & Opinion

    our man from drip Don Pumsey - 27th October 2007


    Ihave had an idea that must rank as genius even by the standards of the man who first saw the potential for Microwave Angel Delight Smoothies under the Pumsey's Price Palace "PPP" label back in 1989. Let's have an inquiry into supermarket inquiries,...

  • News

    Asda puts £150m into festive cuts


    Asda is pumping £150m into what it claims is its biggest-ever set of festive price cuts. CEO Andy Bond said the retailer had decided on the reductions after research by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) indicated this...

  • News

    Reader Survey


    Source: Email poll of wholesalersAn exclusive survey of the UK's leading wholesalers carried out by The Grocer has delivered a damning view of the Competition Commission's provisional findings of its 18-month long groceries inquiry. All...

  • News

    Don't try to justify your gut feelings, just go with them


    Rely on your gut feelings the next time you have a decision to make. The brain is so connected with the stomach that the choices you make are bound to be the right onesAll the CEOs I know can tell stories of how they had a negative gut...

  • News

    Wholesaler Profile DCS Europe


    DCS Europe chief executive Denys Shortt has never been one to take defeat lying down. As a former England international hockey player and an award-winning entrepreneur, he has become used to success.So when he set about finding a new...

  • News

    Climbing the ladder - Andy Walsh


    What was your first-ever job? I was commis chef at the Pembroke Hotel in Blackpool. Give us a quick run-down on your career to date. I worked as a chef for 13 years for Copthorne, Hilton & Marriott groups, ran the fine dining Dysons Restaurant...

  • News

    We ask... is the Commission right about wholesaling?


    ?This is a very depressing subject. It almost seems like a waste of time saying anything. I have been in this industry for 20 years and I have seen the independent sector decline as a result of the rise of big multiples. It's obvious buying...