All The Grocer articles in 31 October 2009 – Page 3

  • News

    My Alternative CV: Matthew Shaw, managing director, Bart Spices


    Matthew Shaw, managing director of Bart Spices, tells a Hallowe'en tale of chicken innards, ear removal and maggoty bugs

  • News

    A cola that kids are allowed to drink at school – unlike Coke


    A small drinks company from Cheshire has got one over on global giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo with the first-ever cola to be officially endorsed by the government's school regulations.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Saturday Essay: Let’s not drink to localised alcohol regulation


    Knee-jerk reactions by councils will heap new burdens on retailers. Partnerships are the way forward, says James Lowman

    Comment & Opinion

    Editor's Comment: Media has ignored the most obvious profiteering since Al Capone


    Next month, the BBC plans a new series called Ripoff Britain. There’s nothing original about the name, and you won’t be surprised to hear supermarkets feature extensively.

  • News

    Roberts leaves AHDB to be NFU director general


    Kevin Roberts, the chief executive officer of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, has been appointed director general of the National Farmers' Union.Roberts set up the AHDB in April 2008, effectively bringing all levy...

  • News

    Independent takes stand against banana price war


    An influential independent retailer is taking a stand against the supermarket banana price wars with a campaign urging shoppers to think twice before buying cheap bananas.

  • News

    Ireland admits food safety policing hit by ban on recruitment


    Concerns are growing over Ireland's ability to monitor food safety after officials admitted its control system had been weakened during the recession.Senior personnel in 38 state agencies working for the Food Safety Authority of Ireland...

  • News

    Ad of the Week: Strongbow spoof banks on craft not graft


    Remember when 'going viral' only happened to Mark Fowler and Magic Johnson? Nowadays it's a good thing, thanks to the interwebs, as Strongbow proves with its latest zeitgeist-bothering Braveheart spoof.

  • News

    Brussels to act on price anomalies


    The European Commission is to step in to curb supermarket power after alleging shoppers may be paying too much for their food while suppliers receive too little for their produce.


    Acid Test: Dallaglio by Sacla'


    What could be more authentically Italian than a sauce named after an England rugby legend?

  • News



    A new online trading platform for retailers and fmcg suppliers appears to herald the coming of age of grocery e-commerce. But is there a market for it, asks Nick Hughes


    Grocer 33: Sainsbury’s enhanced by concessions


    An impressive range of extra services and a near-full shopping basket won Sainsbury's in Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, the top store award this week.

  • News

    Data reveals 30% fall in sales of Babylicious


    Sales of Babylicious had slumped by almost 30% in the year leading up to the frozen babyfood company's fall into administration, The Grocer can reveal.Total sales of Babylicious and Kiddylicious frozen meals and baby snacks dropped 29.1%...

  • News

    Closure rate hits 13% as indies lose out to mults


    More city centre independent specialists have been forced out of business this year than last yet the mults are gaining ground. Over 13% of butchers, bakers, greengrocers, fishmongers and newsagents in city centres shut up shop in the...

  • News

    World News 31/10/09


    Finnish retailer Kesko is reported to be interested in acquiring Carrefour's Russian business after the French retailer announced its decision to exit the market. The surprise decision by Carrefour, just four months after opening its first...

  • News

    Other Movers 31/10/09


    PayPoint has appointed Nick Wiles as a non-executive director. Wiles is currently chairman of UK investment banking at Nomura. He has worked in banking for more than 20 years, spending most of his time at Cazenove & Co.