All The Grocer articles in 4 November 2006 – Page 2

  • News

    Letter of the week


    Having been making our case on competition in grocery publicly for years, we are very glad that the Competition Commission has finally given us the chance to better understand what arguments the major supermarkets are making.There is...

  • News

    inside track


    With an array of jazzier distractions from MySpace, 24/7 TV news and instant online shopping, you might imagine that old-fashioned magazines would be in terminal decline. Surprisingly, the total number of titles has increased by 24% in the past...

  • News

    Hot views Projectors


    Sony VPL-VW100When it comes to watching movies we'll take an eight-foot image over a 32-inch screen any day of the week. And when it comes to producing good-looking audio-visual kit, Sony has it licked. However, not only is the...

  • News

    M&S hits gas on Moto partnership


    Marks and Spencer is to expand its partnership with Moto service stations across the UK as its Simply Food franchise continues to deliver sales uplifts. The expansion, described as a "brand new initiative", will kick off in early 2007...

  • News

    Stripy tiger tomato experiment is over


    Tiger tomatoes - the small ones with stripes - are not what consumers want, according to developers at Israeli exporter Agrexco.The experiment with the tomato is now over, they admitted, although different formats of the striking striped...

  • News

    How effective is front-of-pack labelling? Research will show


    Are lower socio-eonomic groups making healthier food choices because of front-of-pack labelling? That's a key question the Food Standards Agency hopes that new research it plans to commission will answer.The study - likely to be limited...

  • News

    Supermarkets head down quantity street


    Retailers are slashing prices on some of the biggest Christmas confectionery brands, a move that could herald the start of festive season price wars in the category.The deep discounting has been initiated by Tesco and Sainsbury's, which...

  • News



    Dog ownership has flattened out in recent years, with an estimated six million dogs in the UK, but the market for dogfood is still up 2.3% to £737.4m [TNS Worldpanel, 52 w/e August 13], mainly due to people trading up to perceived higher quality...

  • News

    Go on. Make me dislike you. Invade my personal space


    People prefer to do business with people they like. You should bear that in mind if you want to succeed. And being liked involves not invading individuals' vital bubble.Let me explain. This bubble is an Italian way of putting...

  • News

    Trends & Developments


    Supreme Petfoods has unveiled the latest additions to its small animal range - Russel Rabbit parsnip & beetroot and Gerty Guinea Pig carrot & cranberry gourmet products. In addition, it has two new lines for the Science Selective Range - Rat and...

  • News

    Fury over denial of right to vote


    Sir; I write as a disappointed Nisa-Today's member and shareholder who feels that his democratic right to vote on the future of the company has been completely denied him. Forget the £50,000 cash payment members were going to receive in the...

  • News

    Dairy farmers push Raging Cow drinks


    Dairy Farmers of Britain is continuing its push to get healthier drinks into kids, with plans to launch a Raging Cow range of flavoured milk and yoghurt drinks into schools and retailers next year.Originally due to hit schools this...

  • News

    Now coupons are getting personal


    Somerfield has unveiled the replacement to its Saver Card loyalty scheme in the shape of a new entirely supplier-funded coupon programme.The supermarket, which dropped the card scheme in May as part of the new management's strategy...

  • News

    Cooltrader plans push into south of England


    Iceland-owned frozen food chain Cooltrader has revealed plans to open stores in north London as part of a major expansion for the retailer in the south of England.Currently, the chain's southernmost store is in Northampton - with most of...

  • News

    Climbing the ladder


    How did you get where you are today? I qualified as a chartered accountant, more years ago than I choose to remember. I immediately left the accountancy profession and took up a senior financial role in a company producing pickles and sauces....

  • Comment & Opinion

    This week's hot topic by Richard Clarke


    After the fuss caused by the supermarkets' submissions to the Competition Commission, the inquiry team has turned its antennae towards suppliers. The Commission has written to 40 major manufacturers asking for details of the prices they charge...

  • News

    Retail cheese margins 'close to record levels'


    Retailers are close to making record margins out of cheese, according to a new report from the Milk Development Council. Mild Cheddar earned supermarkets a gross margin - the difference between buying in and selling costs - equivalent to...

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    when cheap is nasty


    Unfair, off-limits and outrageous. Peter Kendall's view of supermarket practices is blunt. But when we meet I don't find the NFU chief wringing his hands in despair and fury at the plight of farmers under the big four.Kendall has been...

  • News

    IPPC charges: farmers win Rooker's support


    Poultry and pig farmers look to have wrung a major concession from the government over the prohibitive cost of new pollution rules.A march on Westminster by a quarter of UK poultry farmers last week was hailed as a resounding success....

  • News

    John Lewis, Waitrose to open foodhall chain


    Waitrose and John Lewis are planning to roll out a chain of exclusive in-store foodhalls in John Lewis stores across the country in what they claim will be a unique format for the UK.Waitrose managing director Steven Esom said the...