All The Grocer articles in 6 October 2007

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  • News

    Food marketing claims slammed


    A group of young scientists have slammed the health claims made by food companies to sell products.Their report, There Goes the Science Bit, published by the charity Sense About Science, singled out Nestlé's Ski Activ8 yoghurt, which claims...

  • News

    Tesco development banned


    Tesco have withdrawn plans to appeal against the refusal of planning permission to build a store in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland.The supermarket had been refused planning permission for the 47,000 square foot superstore because it...

  • News

    Superior migrant workers for Sainsbury's


    Sainsbury's has said it will hire more migrant workers because they have a “superior” work ethic.In evidence at a parliamentary enquiry on the impact of immigration, the retailer said migrant workers were more likely to work flexible hours...

  • News

    M&S bans white veal


    Marks & Spencer is to stop selling imported white veal and calves' liver.The retailer said it would only sell rose veal, bred in the UK to decent standards following concerns from animal rights campaigners that the animals were reared in...

  • News

    Premium pies pull out of Sainsbury's


    Premium pie brand and food outlet Square Pie has been forced to pull its products from Sainsbury's just five months after its supermarket debut. It put the decision down to an "underestimation of managerial and marketing support" needed...

  • Comment & Opinion

    We must work together to protect staff from violence


    Shopworkers and retailers need to be involved in tackling crime at work. Partnerships with the police and government offer a solution The latest figures from the British Retail Consortium's Annual Crime Survey make for depressing reading....

  • News

    Majority of Tesco space is now overseas


    The ratio of Tesco's selling space in the UK to that abroad has shifted further in favour of the retailer's international operations. International now accounts for 60% of the company's total selling space - up from 57% this time last...

  • News

    Premium values key in smoothie rivalry


    When Exotic Planet burst on to the scene in 1997, smoothies and premium juice drinks was a nascent market, but over the past decade it has grown significantly, not only in value but in the number of brands now present. Innocent is far...

  • News

    Shop staff need help in war on underage sales


    Retailers are calling for more help from authorities to combat underage drinking, despite the prime minister singling out irresponsible off-licences for punishment. In new research commissioned by the British Retail Consortium, staff said they were...

  • News

    Prices up for off-colour Hallowe'en pumpkins


    Shoppers will have to pay up to 15% more for pumpkins this Hallowe'en - and the wet summer means they have not turned their usual orange colour. The problem has led to some growers heating the harvested green pumpkins to encourage them...

  • News

    Tesco to give kids a lesson


    Tesco and its fruit supplier Norman Collett are sponsoring Kent school kids to learn about apples. They have shown 56 children from Goudhurst and Kildown Primary School around an orchard and will take them to the National Fruit Show on...

  • News

    Sainsbury's is focusing on unique ingredients


    Sainsbury's is launching an own-label scheme that will use "signature" ingredients in an attempt to appeal to shoppers looking for premium products. Sainsbury's brand director Judith Batchelar said the signature ingredient initiative...

  • News

    Marine Harvest urged to move salmon farms


    The world's largest seafood company is coming under pressure to relocate hundreds of salmon farms after its biggest shareholder said it was harming wild stocks. Billionaire John Fredriksen, who holds a 29% stake in Marine Harvest, told...

  • News

    Talking shop - Dr Helen Ferrier


    It's time for a proper debate on genetic modification in agriculture, says Dr Helen Ferrier, the National Farmers Union's chief science and regulatory affairs adviser From the moment genetically modified crops were developed, they have been called...

  • News

    When will that Ocado success story be delivered?


    A bad press can get you down. So let's hope Ocado chief executive Tim Steiner and his band of bankers-turned-grocers are selective in their reading. Depending on their choice of newspaper, this online food retailer run in partnership with...

  • News

    Mars delights shoppers with a variety of offers


    Mars stole the show last weekend in confectionery aisles in the major retailers, taking 54% of featured promotional activity in the top five confectionery chart.

  • News

    Davidson replaces Rose at Landmark


    Landmark Wholesale has appointed Ian Davidson as its new marketing director to take over from Chris Rose who is retiring next May. Davidson will join the buying group from Whyte & Mackay, where he is cash & carry/wholesale channel...

  • News

    Growers shun disease cost-sharing proposal


    Growers have fired a broadside at government plans to share the costs of managing plant diseases, saying it could increase the price of fresh produce in shops. Any attempt to increase the burden of policing plant health controls for...

  • News

    Opinion - "Within five years, I predict we'll see countlines containing grains, seeds and vitamin supplements"


    Allow me, just this once, an indulgence. Tesco's results, Cadbury job losses, Nisa-Today's conference, food price inflation, VAT on wheatgrass, Ocado's business model, all are potential subjects for this column. I am instead going to talk about...

  • News

    Commodity cost hikes push up snack prices


    Bagged snack and biscuit prices are set to soar by inflation-busting levels over the next month, as another major supplier feels the bite of rising commodity costs. United Biscuits increased trade price rises this week, with snacks such...