
Prime has soared a massive 96 places on our list

Who’s up?

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64 (160) Prime

Sports & energy sensation Prime has rocketed into the top 100 with a £148m gain. It was driven by a combination of social media hype, supermarket listings and the launch of the brand’s Energy range last spring.

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70 (95) Fox’s

The clampdown on HFSS goods in stores has had little negative impact on Fox’s. The fancy biccie brand has shifted an extra 9.6 million packs.

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86 (107) Silver Spoon

A 34.6% rise in average price per pack – driven by escalating input costs – has blasted Silver Spoon into the top 100. Volumes are down 5.1% but value’s up £27.2m.

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Who’s down?

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60 (38) Tropicana

Tropicana is in freefall, having shed £37.1m – the biggest absolute loss in this report. It’s largely the result of being delisted by Co-op at the start of 2023.

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82 (64) Comfort

The laundry category is in a shabby state – and Unilever’s fabric conditioner brand is no exception. Comfort sold 10 million fewer packs in 2023.

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65 (48) Schweppes

Schweppes is in value decline for the third year running. The mixer brand is has lost £16.7m as the Covid cocktail boom fades from memory. But it’s still worth about £6m more than pre-pandemic.
