Robert Watson, CEO, Hilton Food Group 81 (78)
Under Watson, the dedicated Tesco meat packer topped £1bn sales in 2012, but it was hit in the UK by ‘Horsegate’ - even though it wasn’t implicated. Could it now benefit as Boparan hopes to?

Mary Creagh

Mary Creagh

Mary Creagh, shadow environment secretary 82
Since she forced a u-turn over the forest sell-off, Creagh has shown a real knack for embarrassing the government. When ‘Horsegate’ broke, she set the agenda and asked all the right questions

Scott Weavers-Wright, Chief architect, 83
The Kiddicare founder is set to be busy building Morrisons’ online grocery platform ahead of its January launch. Making the Ocado deal work is key to Morrisons’ turnaround strategy.

Chris Martin

Chris Martin

Chris Martin, CEO, Musgrave Group 84 (74)
The Budgens and Londis owner’s profits rose 3% and sales 11% last year thanks to Martin’s Winning in the New World strategy to sharpen its offer, leverage scale and improve operations.

Jim Dobson, MD, Dunbia Group 85
Dunbia has been a lot more visible in the past year, becoming Asda’s lone lamb supplier, doing a deal to supply 100% Hereford beef for the Co-op Group’s top-tier range and buying G Wood & Sons

Nick Collard, Group marketing & cust dir, Morrisons 86
After the departures of senior directors such as Richards Pennycook and Hodgson, Collard is seen very much as the next rising star. His big coup this year was the signing of Ant and Dec.

Neil Turton on a bike.jpg

Neil Turton

Neil Turton, MD, Nisa 87 (86)
Nisa recently lost its biggest member, Costcutter, which accounted for a third of its £1.5bn turnover, but Turton is confident he can claw back the lost sales, with £250m reportedly in the pipeline

Steve Pappas, MD, Costco UK 88 (63)
After long planning battles, Pappas has opened two new depots in the past five months with a third due to open next month. But rival Makro is in Booker’s clutches. And it’s been hurt by Amazon .

Hussein Lalani

Hussein Lalani

Hussein Lalani, Comm director, 99p Stores 89 (91)
99p Stores continues to expand, most recently entering Scotland. Lalani grew store numbers to 230 during the year to cement its position as the UK’s second-biggest fixed price retailer

Graham hunter

Graham Hunter

Graham Hunter, CEO, Tangerine 90 (96)
Shaking up the board and closing a factory hasn’t helped Hunter in a tough year as commodity hikes sapped profit. Will extending the resurrected Wham and revamping Butterkist be enough?