A novel idea from Delia's favourite flour supplier Carrs Flour Mills is a revolutionary concept for making yogurt. Called Makefresh, it consists of three plain yogurt powder variants; raspberry and strawberry sauces; and a yogurt maker containing one 800ml and two small pots. The yogurt is made by adding the entire 120g sachet of powder to cold water in the 800ml pot, shaking, topping up with more cold water, and then leaving the pot to stand in hot water in the yogurt maker flask for seven to eight hours or overnight. The yogurt powder has a one-year shelf life, and, once made up, lasts two weeks in the fridge. All are available separately. The yogurt maker retails at £9.99, the foil sachets of powder around £1.49, and the sauces in 310g squeezable plastic bottles between £1.19-£1.29. An introductory offer is being planned for Safeway so that consumers buying three packs of yogurt powder at £1.49 each, can buy a yogurt maker for just £3.99. {{NEWS }}