Tetley has pledged to continue promoting tea's health benefits, despite rulings from advertising watchdogs that its latest campaign was "misleading".
Complaints centred on a claim that tea's antioxidants could help to keep the heart healthy, as well as the phrase Go on live a lot'.
Tetley marketing and development director Nick Kilby said he was "bewildered" by the findings, but stressed that the company would look for other ways to promote its health message.

Findus has extended soup into freezer cabinets with the launch of an eight-strong range of Soup a' Meals.
A £4.5m marketing campaign will include TV commercials which are expected to echo the healthy eating theme of the company's Feeling Great! range and focus on the soups' low calorie and high vitamin and mineral content.
The cosmopolitan range includes Italian Tomato, Spanish Vegetable and Spicy Thai flavours.

Andros is to stretch its Bonne Maman into a brand new arena with the launch of a range of chilled baked desserts.
Details are being finalised but chocolate, lemon, coffee and vanilla flavours are expected.

Frozen food specialist McCain has relaunched its Home Fries with new packaging and a radio, TV and poster campaign emphasising that the products can be fried as well as oven-cooked.
The company claimed that many consumers preferred fried chips but didn't realise Home Fries could be cooked that way. Marketing will also focus on pushing trial.