Expert's verdict...4/10

?It's a pretty eye-catching can, much like Red Bull's energy drink, but because of that I don't think people will realise it's a cola drink. The can is plenty big enough, so why not make the word 'cola' bigger? Content-wise, it's unsurprisingly packed with sugar, but there are also some nice spices - like cinnamon and ginger - to add a bit of a kick. But they don't really work, or make it taste any better. It's a long way from Pepsi or Coca Cola. Some may see the appeal of it, but I think there's going to be confusion: some may think it's an energy drink, which it's not.

Nigel Ashton, category controller, Nisa-Today's

Consumer's verdict...4/10

? The best thing to say about Simply Cola is that it doesn't taste anything like Red Bull. So, initially at least, it would attract Red Bull drinkers who want a bit of variety. It doesn't taste anything like Coke though - but I'd say that's a good thing too, because if you want Coke then you buy Coke. The problem is that this tastes like any number of cheap colas, nothing distinctive. It's drinkable enough, but instantly forgettable. I wouldn't buy it in the future, but it should appeal to people who drink energy drinks and want something a bit different.

Matt Davies, public affairs manager, London

A year down the line... Grove Fresh smoothies Company: Grove Fresh Launch Price: £3.29 - £3.49 Today's price: £3.29 - £3.49

One year after Grove Fresh

launched its one-litre organic smoothies - strawberry & banana and mango & passion fruit - plans are in place for the launch of 250ml bottles in July. Over the year, results have been significantly stronger in the independent and wholesale trade, which resulted in a focus on NPD and packaging design specifically for the convenience, foodservice and independent sectors.