Company: Alcohol Drinks
RSP: £1.99 per bottle
Market size: £206m
The competition: Bacardi Breezer, WKD, Smirnoff Ice

The Consumer
The packaging is very attractive and the two drinks would definitely catch my attention when shopping for booze. The bottle tops are especially cute! I really liked the taste of the pink one, which had a nice citrus tang, but found the blueberry far too sweet. It tasted like a poor attempt at cream soda. I would buy the pink one but would worry what is in it and what damage it would do to my teeth. Three stars (out of five)
Jenny Woollven, personal trainer, Surrey

The Expert
I am completely unconvinced by Baby Blue and Baby Pink. Perhaps it is just me, but the name “Baby” doesn’t sit right to begin with and it is then matched up with a taste which was offensively sweet and a price point that sits above the market leaders. I assume this is due to the low-calorie message but this has not proved sufficient to make a success of other “better for you” RTDs, which have all had more to offer. One star
Henry Moran, trading manager, Musgrave Retail Partners

The Grocer
This is definitely one for the younger end of the alcoholic drinks market or someone with a sweet tooth. Because of their low-calorie credentials – 79 calories per bottle – they are also likely to be a hit with weight-conscious consumers. The vibrant colours will attract attention, but this could work both ways: good because it is eye-catching but bad because it might make consumers worry what is in it. While I am not convinced about the idea of vodka-fortified wines, this is a fun product for the right occasion. Two stars
Lisa Riley, food and drink reporter