Ambari, a premium lager from Goa, is set to quench curry fans’ thirst without leaving them feeling bloated.
The 5% beer is less gassy than most Indian beer and as a result, has a shorter shelf life - six months compared with the usual year. It is also bottled and shipped to the UK within four weeks, making it one of the freshest beers on the market.
“As Cobra and Kingfisher are brewed in the UK, I recognised there was a gap in the market for a genuine, good quality beer from India,” said RSG International MD Ravin Gill. “The result is a beer which tastes great and is ideal with any meal.” Ambari is being marketed as a high strength lager and a good meal accompaniment.
Press ads, plus promotional work in restaurants and retailers, start later this summer. The 330ml bottles retail for 91p and the 650ml bottles retail for £1.82.