Pop star Amelia Lily is the latest celebrity to back the ‘Make Mine Milk’ campaign, which promotes consumption of milk as part of a healthy diet.

The campaign is funded by the Milk Marketing Forum and typically recruits celebrities to wear a ‘milk moustache’ as they promote the drink. Previous faces in the campaign include Rupert Grint, Vinnie Jones and Gordon Ramsay.

Lily’s appearance is a partnership with the anti-bullying charity BeatBullying, which works with young people around the UK.

Sandy Wilkie, chairman of the Milk Marketing Forum, said: “Milk is a vital part of any diet, but is especially important for teenage girls. Amelia Lily is a great role model for these girls – because she is strong-minded and not afraid to be herself, but also because she looks after herself and is fit and healthy.”

Figures from Kantar World Panel show that milk consumption has seen consecutive year-on-year increases since 2010.
