Archive of all analysis and features articles – Page 328

  • Analysis and Features

    Blueheath: is it waving or drowning?


    The devil was in the detail of online wholesaler Blueheath's recent annual results statement. Geoff Igharo and Julian Hunt report Casual readers of the upbeat annual results statement issued a couple of weeks ago by online wholesaler...

  • Analysis and Features

    friends or foes?


    When 10 new member states joined the European Union in May 2004, it was hailed as a golden opportunity for UK businesses. Jim Dougal, head of the European Commission in the UK, said at the time that the creation of a single market of 455 million...

  • Analysis and Features

    What do these fourhave in common ?


    What do furniture and cars have to do with efficient consumer response? Good question and one that the most lateral-thinking ECR Europe conference to date gamely attempted to answer in Stockholm last week. Smoke machines, flashy graphics...

  • Analysis and Features

    the golden state of things to come


    Scattered around the Californian state capital Sacramento are photo­graphs of governor Arnold Schwarzenegger - not in typical electoral pose, but sitting astride a Harley Davidson, leather clad and complete with dark sunglasses. For some...

  • Analysis and Features

    Welcome to the blogosphere


    A couple of years ago hardly anybody seemed to know what a blog was. Now they are rife: the internet is awash with the personal opinions, sometimes controversial and often mundane, of bloggers. The interactive nature of the online medium means...