5 (7) Nescafé
Sales: £409.6m +6.3%
Launch: 1938

Going posh seems to have worked well for Nescafé. Much of the brand’s growth is down to premium NPD Nescafé Azera, a blend of instant and ground coffee, which Nestlé says racked up £5m in sales in the eight months after it hit the shelves last March.

The brand is continuing its push towards the posher end of coffee in 2013. In January, it launched two new Nescafé Azera flavours - Latte and Cappuccino - and last month it unveiled Gold Crema, a premium variant of the Gold Blend range.

Premiumisation doesn’t mean Nescafé is having it all its own way, however: the value increase masks a slip in volume sales of 1.6% 
