10 things you need to know about… home baking
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Top 10 global launches: from protein pancakes to mug cake
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By Amy North2015-04-17T10:53:00+01:00
It may be called a camouflage cake, but this thing can be spotted a mile away. The pattern is created by splitting the mixture and dying it varying degrees of pink. It retails at $2.98 (£2.02).
Calling all mini Heston Blumenthals! Cookit has created a bio molecular cooking kit especially for budding food scientists. It contains four sachets of organic agar, a syringe, a spaghetti tube and a pipette, and is organically certified.
Good old Betty! Mrs Crocker sure knows how to get taste buds tingling, with the launch of the triple layer caramel hot fudge cake mix ($5.98/£4.06) under the Hershey's brand. All it needs is water and can go from box to oven in five minutes.
Cake in a mug – simple. It can be prepared in two minutes with the addition of 40g of butter and one egg. A mug is included in the retail price of €12.90 (£9.33), so you don’t even have to wash up first.
Bringing healthiness to home baking, I Quit Sugar’s offering (AUD 6.35/£3.66) is said to be a delicious and healthy muesli ball mix blended with nutrient-dense super foods that is free from fructose and added sugar. Best of all, it still tastes chocolatey!
The English might find the idea of putting cassava or tapioca in their cupcakes rather odd, luckily the Indonesians don’t. The mix (IDR 15325/£0.69) requires the addition of 200g of it plus 400cc of water to make 30 medium pink cupcakes.
Dr Oetker’s wholesome wholegrain mug cake (BRL2.49/£0.55) takes baking to the next level in terms of convenience. It’s ready in one minute and 10 seconds, and contains granola and pieces of banana.
Body Attack Sports Nutrition’s pancake protein mix taps into the increasing trend of protein-enhanced products, for that pre and post-gym fix. It contains 36g of high quality protein sources and is sweetened with stevia. It can also be used to prepare waffles and retails at (€11.31/£8.19).
Create a masterpiece then devour it. This kit (PLN 29.90/£4.86) comes with cocoa and white icing which can be shaped and decorated before it is placed on the cake, allowing for a unique creation every time.
Simply Honest’s ultra-premium scone mix (AUD 6.97/£3.97) is for those who want to bask in real heritage (a Scottish one, if the box is anything to go by). It makes scones in minutes from simple ingredients, free from preservatives. Better put the kettle on then.
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