Capespan forecasts 40% increase for vintage' Golden Delicious Major increases in South African apple imports to the UK have been forecast by Martin Dunnett, marketing director of Capespan International. With Golden Delicious already being sold in the UK and making between £5.50 and £7/ctn on the wholesale market, Dunnett said he expected a 40% volume increase on last year and described the quality as "vintage". This will mean the organisation would be selling some 1.4 million cartons to the UK in the next three months to which must be added fruit exported by independent shippers. The same pattern is also emerging for Granny Smith, South Africa's other major variety, due to arrive in volume next week. First arrivals are priced at £7 to £8 ctn. Dunnett quantified this as being nearly a 30% increase, producing a total of 1.3 million cartons to the UK. "Both substantial increases are due to the short crop last year," he said. "We are extremely pleased with the quality so far." There has also been a rise in Braeburn, currently filling the month's niche market between French and New Zealand fruit. UK sales are up on last year from 170,000 to 200,000 cartons. Pink Lady now beginning to arrive will reach 160,000 cartons. - For the official launch of the Cape apple season, a new fruit character called Arnie was at London's Victoria Station handing out free fruit to commuters. Cape also plans to have a presence at agricultural shows and a branded VW Beetle to support its media programme. {{M/E FRESH PRODUCE }}