Tesco can't resist Tentation Tesco has taken to Tentation, the licensed Golden Delicious/Grifter cross which has been displayed at the National Fruit Show for the past two years by French breeder Henri Delbard. Other supermarkets have tested the apple over the past five years as it came on stream, and it is also being grown in small volumes in Holland, Belgium and now the UK. From this weekend French Tentation will be on sale in Tesco until January, displayed loose in a special carton at £1.99/kg, making this the largest promotion yet seen. The crop is grown in the Loire Valley where the Sicanjou group already has an estimated 1,000t. Tesco's apple buyer Simon Latham, who estimates sales at 6,000 cartons a week, said: "The flavour has always been striking but the crop is outstanding because the growing conditions are near perfect." {{FRESH PRODUCE }}