Guinness UDV is adding a Raspberry variant to its Archers Aqua portfolio, bringing the premium packaged spirit range to five. GUDV believes it has a hit on its hands as its consumer trials indicate that 64% of its key female drinkers would buy the Raspberry version and the tests showed that women rated it on a par with Peach, the range's best-selling variant. Brand director Philip Gladman said: "Female tastes are evolving and it is our role to understand and interpret what women really want to drink. We are confident that Raspberry will complement the range perfectly." Berry fruits look set to be the key flavours in the PPS market this year, as this launch follows moves by Bass, which added Red Berry and Kiwi to Reef in January, and Halewood, which introduced Loganberry Red Square. The brand has been a hit since its launch last May, it went on allocation in the summer when GUDV under estimated the demand. This has since been rectified and the company is meeting all orders. Gladman said the sector was growing at 46% and research showed that adding a new flavour could add up to 15% incremental volume to sales in an outlet. Raspberry will be available in singles (RSP £1.39) from the middle of this month and in four packs (RSP £4.99) from March. Aqua is included in the £20m marketing campaign which backs the parent brand Archers Schnapps, covering TV, cinema, press and poster advertisements. {{DRINKS }}