All Arla articles – Page 19

  • News

    Arla to push speciality cheese


    Sean McAllister Arla Foods has boosted its presence in the speciality cheese market, promising to offer retailers a solution to the complexities of a fragmented sector. The announcement follows its "considerable investment" in the sector...

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    The sensational tie-up between Arla and Fonterra brought Lur


    The Arla Foods Fonterra joint venture has been working hard to differentiate the two brands. Anchor has had a major relaunch with pack revamps and the traditional yellow colours toned down. Senior brand manager Mikael Horsboll says the £7.2m...

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    Lurpak enters flavours


    Mary Carmichael Arla Foods is spreading its Lurpak brand into flavoured butters with the launch of a three-strong range. The newcomers mark only the third brand extension in the butter stalwart's 101-year history, and follow the...

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    Arla head office role for Stevens


    Rod Addy Arla Foods has moved Simon Stevens to its head office in Leeds to manage total UK product sales as it embarks on an ambitious development programme. He replaces Andrew Simpson as UK sales director, with Simpson taking the role of...

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    The next big event for Arla is the move to its Stourton site


    It currently houses a brand new £10m, 100,000 sq ft distribution centre and work is about to start on a £50m state-of-the-art dairy. Plans to relocate head office to the site are also being considered. Salkeld says the aim is to complete building...

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    Anchor pulls a cheddar that failed to function


    Mary Carmichael Arla has pulled the plug on Anchor Inner Balance bio cheddar, admitting that its attempt to bring functional properties to the UK cheese market has bombed. Launched a year ago by New Zealand Milk before a joint venture with...

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    TV chef Ainsley Harriott has been signed up as the face of F


    Masterfoods has added a Triple Choc variant to its Twix stable as an eight-week limited edition. Arla Foods is relaunching its Gulp! flavoured milk range with new look packaging and a £600K press, trolley and ambient advertising campaign during...

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    Bites: Horizon Organic; Chicago Town 13cm/5ins Deep Dish Pizza


    The milk fixture sees two new branded launches this month: Horizon Organic is bringing out a non-homogenised organic milk and Arla Foods is launching Cravendale PurFiltre (a milk that claims to stay fresh for twice as long as normal milk) in London...

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    McVitie's has added Strawberry Minis to its BN portfolio.


    Bernard Matthews is running a spring ad campaign in women's magazines and a year-long campaign in five top slimming titles for its cooked meats range. Crème Tapenade, a blend of soft cheese in Pesto and Green Olive varieties, joins Arla Foods'...

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    Arla wins front page accolade


    Readers of The Grocer have picked Arla's advertisement for Lurpak butter as Front Cover of the Year 2001. Arla brand manager Danny Micklethwaite received the award from The Grocer's display ad director Lorraine Hendle (right) and northern area...

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    Douglas finds an Anchor man


    The biggest shock of the year came in the autumn, when arch rivals New Zealand Milk and Arla Foods teamed up to take on Unilever in the yellow fats aisles with the combined brand strength of Lurpak and Anchor. Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble...

  • News

    The coming together of arch rivals Anchor and Lurpak astoni


    The merger of the New Zealand Dairy Board's EU dairy products business into Arla Foods is still subject to regulatory approval. But now the dust has settled on the initial announcement, many industry insiders think the move is a sensible one in the...

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    The Grocer focus on Denmark: Dairy


    Packing it in at home and abroad The creation of Arla Foods gave Denmark new clout on world markets and in meeting the demands of global multiples. But their is no complacency at the giant as new product development testifies, says Ed Bedington...

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    The Grocer focus on Denmark: Lurpak Centenary celebrations


    Arla is preparing to celebrate a special birthday this year as its premier brand Lurpak marks 100 years. When Lurpak first began arriving from Denmark, at the beginning of the last century, it was shipped in wooden barrels the size of beer kegs....

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    Bob's on the job for Arla yogurts


    Arla Foods is bringing out a range of Bob the Builder fromage frais and yogurt. Available from October 9, the fromage frais comes in packs of six in strawberry & raspberry, strawberry & peach and strawberry & blackberry flavours (rsp £1.09). It...

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    A toast to Douglas


    Arla Foods aims to harness the appeal of Lurpak brand ambassador Douglas with a limited edition toast rack pack offer from September 1. The packs, which follow last year's Douglas butter dish offer, are priced at £3.19 and include two 250g packs...

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    The Grocer focus on the dairymen: Arla


    Milking the market for all it's worth Arla's most famous inherited brand has to be Lurpak. The spreadable variant has brought a growing number of younger consumers back from margarine to the dairy fixture, according to business unit controller...