Latest Asda News and Analysis – Page 146

  • News

    Peace breaks out in Asda v. GMB tussle


    Asda stores rushed in extra stock to cope with a threatened five-day depot strike, called off at the 11th hour on Thursday. Asda president Andy Bond met the GMB union on Wednesday in order to thrash out collective bargaining...

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    Farmers relieved by Asda milk price hike


    Turbulence in the dairy industry continued this week with Asda slashing the shelf price of its British Cheddar cheese by 27% and simultaneously reversing its March price cut on liquid milk. Dairy Crest also cut the price it pays farmers...

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    The scouts are right: always be prepared


    It was sighs all around at Asda House on Thursday when a five-day strike by warehouse staff, due to have started yesterday, was called off. But although the multiple managed to avoid major disruption over one of the busiest sporting...

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    Asda strike called off


    A potential five-day strike among workers at 20 of Asda's distribution centres has been called off.Last week, members of the GMB union at 20 Asda distribution centres across the UK voted for a five-day strike in a long-running dispute over...

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    Self-checkout is the most exciting growth area in customer-facing retail IT, with the majority of the world's leading food retailers trialling or rolling out systems. Self-checkout pioneers include Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Auchan, Casino and...

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    Self-checkout is the most exciting growth area in customer-facing retail IT, with the majority of the world&'s leading food retailers trialling or rolling out systems. Self-checkout pioneers include Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Auchan,...

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    Huntly brands Asda an 'arrogant bully'


    Asda has been accused of acting like an "arrogant bully" in a Scottish town, just months after it used a new store to launch a ­loyalty scheme to encourage customers to shop with other local businesses. Its...

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    Asda threatens legal action


    Asda is threatening legal action in an attempt to block a potential strike at its distribution centres.The supermarket group has been in a long-running dispute with the GMB union over working conditions and union recognition.However,...

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    How to really pack a punch


    Deciding the winner of this week's Top Store Award was another close call. Asda and Tesco both provided our shoppers with brimming baskets so customer service became the deciding factor. Asda won as our shopper at Asda Gateshead was offered help...

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    Asda accused of food hygiene risks


    Asda has been accused of putting food hygiene at risk to cut costs.Reports suggest that an Asda employee has made an official complaint to the company that frozen and chilled food was allegedly left out at its Gateshead store for six hours...

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    "The most keenly fought battle has been the tussle for our service award. But there can be only one winner..."Congratulations to Asda which, as you will see from this week&'s issue, has clinched The Grocer 33 award for price for...

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    Brazilian beef in Asda is hastily withdrawn


    Asda was forced into speedily pulling a line of Brazilian beef from its shelves this week when it was caught out by the NFU. The supermarket said that a team of technical specialists was flying out to Brazil this weekend &"to...

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    NFU blasts Asda and Arla over milk cuts


    The NFU has blasted the latest milk price cut by Arla Foods UK as "penal". But it is equally pointing the finger at Asda for triggering cuts in the supply chain in March that "put the future of the dairy industry at risk." Arla Foods UK...

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    Asda is UK's cheapest supermarket


    Asda has emerged as the UK's cheapest supermarket for the ninth successive year. The supermarket group has topped The Grocer 33 - an independent survey of grocery prices, customer service and availability, conducted by The Grocer.The...

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    Price Survey


    Iceberg lettuce prices have plummeted at Asda, Sainsbury, Morrisons, Waitrose and Somerfield this week but the order of our top six supermarkets has remained unchanged. Asda is still The Grocer 33&'s cheapest supermarket for...

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    Congratulations to Asda which, as you will see from this week's issue, has clinched The Grocer 33 award for price for an incredible ninth year in a row. True, this year's battle with Tesco has been closer than ever, with only pennies now...

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    Special way to help troubled Welshmen


    Asda is stressing its support for the hard-hit Welsh lamb sector with the launch of a premium range that puts farmers on pack and stresses quality and traceability.  In the light of the closure of two major North Wales abattoirs,...

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    "Suppliers watch out - Andy Bond has no intention of dropping Asda's combative price stance"


    It's been a tough year for Asda's head honcho Andy Bond. What with those pesky members of the GMB union, widespread criticism over price-cutting tactics that saw £100m wiped off the value of the banana sector alone, suppliers unhappy over...

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    "I scribble furiously. This is gold dust. The Wal-Mart subsidiary is secretive about its numbers. I could win a Pulitzer"


    It's 8:30. Darren Blackhurst, the guitar-strumming food trading director at Asda, is making a gung-ho speech at a Christmas conference for Asda's 350 store managers . And up pops a powerpoint slide that is every journalist's wet dream....

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    The Grocer 33: 2006 End of year annual review


    Asda has been crowned the cheapest supermarket for the ninth year in a row. The retailer has once again dominated the pricing tables for the past 12 months and claimed The Grocer 33's lowest priced shopping basket for 30 of the past 50...