Latest Asda News and Analysis – Page 153

  • News

    ‘We can’t competewith these deals’


    The launch of a Walkers crisps promotion at Asda has sparked protests from wholesalers claiming they cannot compete.Asda is offering boxes of 30 25g packs of Walkers crisps for £2.28, less than 8p per pack. Larger wholesalers and buying...

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    Sacla’ brings olives to UK


    Sacla’, the market leader in olives in Italy, is making its first foray with the product into Britain.The range consists of four non-pitted varieties that come in colourful snack-sized 100g pouches, initially available in Asda at 98p each....

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    Bond and buyers need a reality check


    from Duncan Swift, partner, Grant ThorntonSir; From the comments made by Andy Bond (The Grocer, October 22, p4 and October 29, p36), I think that he and his buying team at Asda need a reality check on the issue of what Asda gets from...

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    Who’s best in the beer price battle?


    The drinks price war in the run-up to Christmas is heating up, with both Sainsbury and Tesco undercutting Asda on beer.Sainsbury is offering two cases of beer for £18, covering Guinness, Stella Artois, San Miguel, Carlsberg and Foster’s, until...

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    Come on Asda, give suppliers a break


    from an Asda supplier, name and address suppliedSir; It was interesting to read the transcript of Andy Bond’s rant at Asda suppliers for not supporting his buyers (The Grocer, October 29, p36). But before he criticises the suppliers...

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    Tesco to take on its critics


    Tesco is to launch a staunch defence of its trading practices at the All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group’s evidence hearing next week at Parliament.The group is also expecting Asda to submit evidence to the High Street 2015 inquiry as the...

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    TIME to empower buyers to take risks


    from Simon Fry, head of product marketing, RH Amar & CoSir; It was with disappointment and exasperation that I heard of Andy Bond’s comments about a lack of product innovation at the recent IGD conference (The Grocer, October 22,...

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    Asda defends its sourcing of fish


    Asda has hit out at Greenpeace claims that its seafood sourcing policy contributes more than that of any other supermarket to the destruction of fish stocks.The environmental pressure group claimed that Asda sold at least 13 species that are on...

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    Asda first with festive cheer


    Asda is the first grocery retailer to announce alcohol price cuts across the category for the festive period.The retailer, which prides itself on being Britain’s cheapest supermarket, is dropping prices on about 150 different spirits by at...

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    The flair ain’t there… let’s start a revolution


    Here it is – ‘that’ speech by Andy Bond at the IGD annual convention. We’ve had to cut out bits for space reasons, but the rest is straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak…I know it’s standard practice to start your speech off...

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    Tesco and Asda take on the designers


    Tesco and Asda are looking to take on designer labels with new cut-price jeans.Both chains have launched designer inspired denims for less than £20. A Tesco spokeswoman said that its new Cherokee jeans range is the clothing equivalent of its...

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    >>Pay suppliers a fair price for quality and innovation>>THE ISSUES THAT MATTER, FROM THE PEOPLE INVOLVEDAsda bosses have a great track record of standing up at the IGD annual convention and making speeches...

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    Bowling ’em over


    Asda is claiming a great success with its first foray into the Northern Irish grocery market.It said sales at its first four stores had exceeded its weekly sales targets by 30% in their first week of trading.Chief executive Andy Bond said:...

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    Bond guns for suppliers


    Asda’s president Andy Bond has launched an amazing attack on suppliers, accusing them of breaking up any special relationship they may have had with the retailer and of failing to innovate.In a thinly veiled reference to arch rival Tesco, he...

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    King: we’ll overtake Asda


    Sainsbury will overtake Asda to become the number two supermarket by sales in 2006 if the current rates of growth at both retailers continue, says chief executive Justin King.“If Asda doesn’t grow, which it hasn’t been doing, and we continue as...

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    It Asda be In Colour


    Asda has promised its support to the Fresh Produce Consortium’s planned campaign, Eat in Colour, and has urged its rivals to do the same. Fresh produce marketing manager Alison Dakin said Asda would offer financial backing to the drive and...

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    Asda ‘chip away’ plan sparks ire


    Asda has caused outrage among its warehouse workers after a leaked document revealed it was considering implementing cost-saving measures at the expense of health and safety regulations.The ‘Warehouse Chip Away Strategy 2005’ document, seen by...

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    Age means strength


    Edinburgh-based brewer Innis & Gunn is starting its third year of business with two new products.The Scottish brewer’s 7.7% abv Cask Strength Oak Aged Beer (rsp: £1.85) is a premium line extension, which will be exclusive to Asda until...

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    Doing the splits on the coast


    Development work has recently commenced on a new 72,500 sq ft Asda store in Folkestone. This new unit will be the first Asda store to trade with the majority of its food and non-food offer on the first level. On the ground floor will be a 13,500 sq...

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    Asda joins push to improve safety


    Asda has signed up to a new Health and Safety Executive initiative to improve standards within large organisations. The move comes just weeks after the supermarket was fined a total of £57,500 for health and safety breaches at two stores.The...