Asda said this week that it will switch 500,000 British laying hens from battery cages into open barns by May 1, marking a major change in the way it sources standard own-label fresh eggs.
The multiple said each hen would now be able to lay its eggs in quiet, individual nest boxes in an open barn. The move means Asda will sell 140m fewer battery eggs in the next year.
It will also result in prices instore rising by 6p to 68p for six medium eggs and to 78p for six large eggs. This reflected increased costs to suppliers as a result of the initiative, said the multiple.
Chris Brown, agriculture
strategy manager, said Asda had been working closely with its British egg suppliers over the past year to develop new methods of egg production. It would no longer use battery production for any of its standard own-label fresh eggs. However, it will continue to stock Asda Smartprice eggs from caged hens.
Brown added: “Over the past 12 months we have seen more consumers opt for higher welfare British eggs. Each of Asda’s 277 stores nationwide now has a comprehensive selection of barn and free-range eggs on sale.
John Avizienius, RSPCA senior scientific officer, said: “This is great news for animal welfare. We are delighted that Asda has responded to consumer demand in taking this initiative and we hope to see other retailers who stock a high number of battery eggs following their lead.”
Brown said Asda was selling more free-range eggs than ever. “Sales of free-range eggs in Asda are growing at 22% year-on-year - a faster rate than any other major UK food retailer.”
Richard Clarke
