Asda’s market share has fallen to a 19-month low, the latest figures from Kantar Worldpanel show. 

Tesco holds its 30.8% share while Morrisons and Sainsbury’s have grown by 6.1% and 4.4%. 

This leaves Sainsbury’s just 0.5% behind Asda, which was the only multiple to grow below the industry average. 

In the 12 weeks to 13 June 2010 Asda’s market share was 16.7%, a level not seen since November 2008. 

The total grocery market grew by 3.7%, of this food price inflation accounted for 1.5%. This indicates shoppers reaching for premium ranges such as Tesco Finest, Kantar Worldpanel said. 

Waitrose sales grew 11% and its market share from a low point of 3.6% in November 2008 to 4.2%. 

Read more
Asda hits 13th year as cheapest supermarket (19 June 2010)
Sainsbury’s follows rivals with sluggish first quarter (16 June 2010)