Asda is planning to host massive parties at its 250 stores to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee. The events will be held in the multiple's car parks. A spokeswoman for Asda said: "Licences for street parties cost £800. This is discouraging people from organising them. "We have huge car parks, so it makes sense that we use them as a focus for community-based celebrations." She said no further details had been decided as yet, but Asda's events team had discussed ideas for the parties this week. She highlighted Asda's creative use of its car parks in the past: "We turned them into drive-in cinemas, complete with rollerskating usherettes serving popcorn. "We showed Grease, Jurassic Park and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "The Golden Jubilee plans are just another good example of Asda getting behind the idea of having fun in the local community." She said Asda was also planning to sell a range of celebration merchandise to commemorate the occasion, such as Union Jack mugs, bunting and hats and gazebos with Union Jack roofs. {{NEWS }}
