Asda has been fined £7,000 after an employee received an electric shock from a faulty plug socket on a cash till at a Nottingham store. The company pleaded guilty before Nottingham magistrates to breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act at its store in Arnold. The court heard how the sales assistant received the shock when she pushed the till plug into its socket. Prosecutor Virginia Meldrum said: "At least three employees used the till for the rest of the day and the damaged plug was not removed until the following morning." In mitigation it was stated that there had been a misunderstanding in the store as to who was responsible for the maintenance of the till. After the case a spokesman for Gedling Borough Council which brought the prosecution said : "A shock of 240 volts could have been fatal." Asda said: "The court recognised Asda takes health and safety issues very seriously." {{NEWS }}
