Asda has launched a campaign to boost its recruitment and promotion levels among ethnic minorities. Called Talent Race, the campaign has begun with the distribution of leaflets in stores to attract recruits. In addition, workshops will be held for members of staff, who will be invited to take along their family to hear the experiences of employees working in all areas of Asda's business. Case studies will be presented in the form of a video. The first workshop will be held in Watford on March 21. Asda's chief operating officer Paul Mason said the campaign was about individuals being able to fulfil their dreams. "Whether it's a colleague on the checkout in Chelmsford or the warehouse in Wigan, everyone should be able to unlock their potential." Last year Asda launched a campaign to raise awareness among women of the management opportunities it offered and in 1998 was one of the first businesses to sign up to the Commission for Racial Equality's "leadership challenge". Gurbux Singh, CRE chairman, said: "Asda's initiative is the sort of thing corporate leaders in best practice should be looking at. Getting people recruited is one thing, breaking down the glass ceilings within organisations is another." {{PEOPLE MOVES }}
