LEON Coffee Kiosk

Leon is to more than double its estate of self-service coffee shops across the UK, including a major expansion of stores within Asda supermarkets.

The brand, which was bought for £100m by Asda owners the Issa Brothers’ EG Group in May last year, said more than 100 Asda stores would open the kiosks early next year.

Leon said under the expansion plans it will also open four new sites at its EG convenience stores in forecourts before Christmas.

The chain currently has kiosks in 65 forecourts and 33 Asdas stores but the expansion will leave it with more than 200 before the end of January.

“Today’s announcement marks another milestone in our expansion programme – and shows how Leon’s coffee is fast becoming a favourite with coffee drinkers across the UK,” said Leon MD Glenn Edwards.

“We continue to invest and innovate, with the intention to make Leon more accessible to more customers. Whether in our drive-thrus, restaurants, self-serve or through our grocery offer, we continue to make it easier for everybody to eat well, live well and be kind to the planet.”