With a repeat of last week's shop, Asda has proved that last week's Rollback result was a permanent feature not a one-off glitch. However, this week's £37.96 at Asda West Bridgford slipped against last week's £37.71. Some of the difference can be explained in Ragu pasta sauce ­ 91p last week and now £1.19 in West Bridgford and out of stock in Havant. Tesco, Newport, was out of stock of own label baked beans this week ­ a rare gap for supermarkets. The store was also out of this week's special purchase, six hot cross buns. Other gaps this week were the often elusive medium frozen chicken and teabags at Safeway, Airdrie. Price pointing for hot cross buns shows two distinct policies: they were worth 99p at Sainsbury Safeway and Somerfield. Asda and Morrisons pitched in at under 70p, and Asda's 68p took it by a nose. The Morrisons Cheadle Heath store was marked down again this week on the number of dump bins in the aisles, congesting an already busy store. Shelf stackers have to do their job, but navigating round pallets of flower pots in otherwise wide and spacious aisles was not appreciated. {{GROCER 33 }}
