Do you ever skip meals and eat snacks instead?
Yes 57% 52% 61% 75% 69% 60% 58% 43%
No 43% 48% 39% 25% 31% 40% 42% 57%

If yes, how often?
Daily 30% 31% 29% 47% 39% 30% 18% 20%
Every couple of days 35% 36% 35% 32% 38% 35% 42% 32%
About once a week 21% 22% 21% 12% 13% 18% 28% 29%
Weekly 86% 89% 84% 91% 90% 83% 88% 82%
Less often than once a week 14% 11% 16% 9% 10% 17% 12% 18%


Which meals do you tend to skip?
Lunch 64% 62% 65% 58% 61% 63% 64% 70%
Breakfast 48% 49% 48% 62% 66% 44% 50% 30%
Dinner 17% 14% 19% 17% 19% 19% 16% 14%

Do you ever eat sharing bags of crisps?
Yes, to myself in one sitting 22% 25% 19% 40% 31% 27% 15% 12%
Yes, to myself over several days 27% 26% 28% 33% 39% 29% 32% 15%
Yes, with others in a single sitting 22% 20% 25% 31% 28% 33% 21% 12%
Yes, with others over several days 14% 11% 17% 14% 18% 14% 13% 12%
No 34% 35% 32% 13% 15% 27% 34% 53%

Have you ever tried 'healthier' snacks?
Yes 66% 59% 73% 76% 75% 70% 65% 56%
No 34% 41% 27% 24% 25% 30% 35% 44%

Would you buy again?
Yes 84% 81% 87% 85% 91% 91% 77% 79%
No 16% 19% 13% 15% 9% 9% 23% 21%