An Australian winemaker is taking the bold step of launching a new packaging format into the UK to drive innovation in wine.

Palandri Wines, part of distributor Ehrmanns portfolio, has developed the 'cheer pack', made from a combination of plastic and aluminium foil.

Already launched in Australia and Canada, the pack has been designed to hold 750ml of wine to match the capacity of glass bottles. Palandri said the format was fully recyclable.

"Innovation has to come in the form of packaging," said general manager Andrew Blythe. "Not that long ago people said screw caps wouldn't work."

The Australian wine producer is also bringing out a two-litre bag-in-box format for its Shark Bite brand

"We are going to target convenience outlets," said Blythe.

"In Scandinavia, 50% of wine is sold in bag-in-box so we believe there are opportunities for this format in the UK."