Watchdogs have set the tone for 2005 after ruling that an advertisement for Bacardi rum, showing a party in full swing, was “socially irresponsible.”
The reprimand, by the Advertising Standards Authority, comes as the industry gears up for the introduction this year of strict new rules on TV drinks advertising.
The ASA, which has taken over responsibility for regulating drinks advertising from Ofcom, partly upheld a consumer complaint about the Platform cinema commercial for Bacardi, which showed the rum being mixed by cocktail waiters on on a rail station platform.
The watchdog rejected claims that the ad might encourage children to drink or implied that
Bacardi enhanced sexual attractiveness. However, it said the image of Bacardi being poured during a party on a station platform was irresponsible for implying alcohol consumption was the main reason for the event’s success.
Bacardi has decided not to repeat the cinema commercial, which was edited from a £1.5m television execution, and has been seeking ASA advice about its use on TV. It plans to repeat shorter edits of Platform on TV, minus the offending scenes.
The ASA continued: “The authority also noted there were approximately 12 bottles of Bacardi on the attendant’s trolley and the drink seemed to be being poured flamboyantly.”
Bacardi-Martini argued the ad ended with a responsible drinking message and that it had taken great care to avoid showing excessive consumption
Executive director Chris Searle said the company was obviously disappointed, but was keen to work with the ASA. “We are all in a transition period and it’s important to try to work within the guidelines and understand them.”
Claire Hu