A new player on the fresh salad market is targeting the independent sector with a unique packaging offer.

Everfresh Europe is launching a range of pre-packed salad products and fresh herbs using long-life packaging.

The company holds the sole importing rights for Everfresh packaging from Japan, an unusual film which is impregnated with lava rock from Mount Oyna near Yokohoma.

The rock contains a mineral which absorbs ethylene and
excessive carbon dioxide and can extend shelf life by up to 10 times, said the company

While the packaging has existed for some time, Everfresh Europe MD Roy Dixon said the company was the first to use it on a large production scale.

He said had been selling the bags to housewives when he decided to use the material to package herbs imported from Guernsey for the foodservice sector. “I realised we could do the same with salads and aim it at convenience stores.”

He said the bigger multiples were unlikely to be interested because of the higher cost of the packaging. “Many smaller stores don’t carry produce because they can’t keep it long enough, but because our range has a longer shelf life it is a viable option.” The company would initially source produce from Guernsey, but Dixon said it could ultimately source from anywhere.

The initial range of Everfresh Fresh Guernsey Salads comprises Little Gem lettuces and 250g packs of organic cherry and plum tomatoes.

Retail prices were as yet undecided, but Dixon said it would add cucumber, spring onions and other vegetables.

The herb range features 25 varieties in 80g packs, retailing between £1.60 to £1.80.
Ed Bedington