Bass has developed a two pronged attack in its efforts to take the lion's share of beer sales this summer. The emphasis is on two key brands, Carling in England and Wales, and Tennent's in Scotland. The brewer will be capitalising on its investment associating Carling with football and will be making the most of sales increases due around the Euro 2000 tournament. Following the success of its Football Stuff promotion last year it is introducing Football Stuff Two, on which it is spending £5m. This includes a TV ad featuring Terry Venables, promotions in the tabloid newspapers and 3.5 million catalogues available through the trade. Cans and multipacks will be packaged to reflect the offer. The brewer is anticipating a lack of interest in the tournament north of the border, however, since Scotland failed to qualify after its defeat by England. Its Scottish strategy will concentrate on a music promotion. The Tennent's Lager Music Rewards deal will feature on cans going on shelves in May. This will be backed by TV advertising and off-trade display campaign. Much of this will be linked to the T In The Park Glasgow music festival that the brewer has developed. Sales director John Holberry said it would be Scotland's biggest ever music based sales promotion. Holberry added: "Most of our spend will go behind these two brands, but the rest of the portfolio has not been forgotten." It is widening the appeal of Worthington with the introduction in June of a 330ml bottle in four packs, a new pineapple and grapefruit variant of Reef and a redesign for Grolsch. {{DRINKS }}