A price war between Heinz and Branston baked beans has erupted, just a week after Premier Foods took on the market leader with a Branston-branded version.
As revealed by The Grocer last week, Premier is hoping to shake up the £222m baked beans market with Branston Baked Beans. It was hoping not to have to resort to price cuts to make an impact and entered the supermarkets with a 44p price tag to match Heinz, but has since had to slash its price.
Both Tesco and Asda are now selling Heinz Beanz at 41p a can, prompting Sainsbury to follow suit and forcing Branston to do the same. “We said we would match the leader on price,” said Martin Hall, Premier Foods’ head of convenience brands. “If the price of Heinz Beanz goes up we will go up, and if it goes down we will go down.”
He stressed Premier aimed to attract consumers to the brand through taste and quality, rather than price, but added it would not be beaten on price.