With its almost permanent position at number two in the branded category chart, the beers, wines & spirits category continues to be a major source of featured space promotional activity across all retailers.

Looking at the brands that have made the top five for alcohol, the week ending 9 October was the first time in more than six weeks that a non-beer brand did not make the chart. Four of the top five had the same share (all within 1% of each other) with brands such as ­Cobra and Kronenbourg gaining ­valuable space.

The Kronenbourg brand was on offer across Morrisons, Somerfield and Sainsbury's. Kronenbourg's 20x330ml was available in Sainsbury's using x for y and Morrisons using the save mechanic - both offers being of equal value. In Somerfield the offer was for 12 x 440ml, again using the save mechanic.

Cobra was heavily featured in Sainsbury's with its range including Cobra Alcohol Free Lager 4-pack, ­Cobra Extra Smooth Lager 4-pack and Cobra Low Carb Lager 4-pack, all using the save mechanic.

Stella Artois, which had not been in the top five beers, wines & spirits chart for the previous five weeks, moved into top place with promotions in Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco with its multipacks using the save mechanic in Morrisons and x for y in Sainsbury's and Tesco. With the exception of one product, all were displayed on pallets.

Carlsberg has shown consistent activity. Carlsberg Export 20x300ml was on offer in Sainsbury's and ­Tesco using the save mechanic at a promotional price of £10.99 and £10.98 respectively. Morrisons had the same product on offer but used the x for y mechanic with a promotional price of two for £18. Tesco also had Carlsberg Export 6x300ml on buy-one-get-one-free.

Guinness offers were available in Sainsbury's on its 4x530ml, 4x440ml and 20x500ml, all using the save mechanic. Only Asda did not have any featured space for beer brands, using it for its wine promotions instead.