Carlsberg UK and Coors Brewers are among brewers looking to put up beer prices this year due to increasing fuel costs.
Carlsberg will be putting up its off and on-trade prices - the latter by 3% - and it blames the move on significant increases in operating charges brought about by rising utility costs.
The brewer said while off-trade price adjustments were negotiated on an individual basis, the increases would also affect the retail sector.
Donna Cresswell, head of communications at Carlsberg, said: “The pressures affect us across all the sectors and the fuel costs will affect prices in the off-trade as well. We are in talks with retailers and we hope they will be understanding about this as we will be needing to pass on these increases to some extent.”
Coors Brewers, which makes Carling and Grolsch, said it would also be putting up its prices. Its on-trade beer prices will go up by 2.1% from February 13, and its off-trade price rises will be negotiated with its customers.
“Our main concern will always be to provide the best quality beers at a competitive price,” said a spokesman.
Meanwhile, Stuart MacFarlane, InBev UK’s off-trade sales MD, said the company planned to put up the price of Stella Artois this year to add value to the brand. Last summer InBev UK launched its biggest ever, multimillion-pound ad package for Stella. At the time, MacFarlane said he was encouraged that Stella, and other brewers, were moving forward on price.
Aggressive price-cutting in supermarkets on Stella this Christmas is likely to have encouraged InBev UK to readdress the issue for 2006.