Chilean wine brand Casillero Del Diablo is launching the first stage of a £1m marketing campaign in 2008 with ads and sampling in arthouse cinemas.

The eight-week tie-up with Picture House, the largest arthouse screen circuit in the UK with 20 sites, is called Chilean Wine Legend and includes screening of the ad, sampling and press ads.

Brand owner Concha y Toro will also support the campaign through new website, running a competition to coincide with the ads.

"We're aiming to reach people on a number of occasions, whether they are watching a film and having a drink in the bar beforehand, relaxing with the weekend papers or wondering what to cook that night," said Jason Duggan, UK head of marketing.

"By catching consumers when they are open to thinking about wine we'll make an even bigger impact on their wine choices."

A further sampling campaign is planned for the summer, followed by a second burst of advertising in the autumn.