All The Grocer articles in Blogs – Page 15

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    Averting a recipe for disaster


    Yesterday saw the launch of an ambitious project to create a food manifesto for the under-fives, to tackle the problems of poor diet among young children.

  • Comment & Opinion

    All in the name of progress


    Sir Terry Leahy is a legend in grocery. He grew Tesco from a retail contender to an all-conquering giant, pioneering initiatives like Clubcard and online shopping along the way…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Meet on the bones


    As I write this, retailers and meat processors are meeting the Food Standards Agency and Defra to discuss the latest developments in the ongoing meat mislabelling/DNA traces saga…

  • Comment & Opinion

    A bad day for good news


    After three weeks of being hauled over the coles by Tesco and co for its part in the #horsemeat scandal, this week, ABP Food Group finally had some more positive news to announce (with a little nudge from The Grocer)…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Getting busy with the fizzy


    As the days tick buy to the budget on 20 March, how many people think it will be a good time to bring in an entirely new tax to make hundreds of products on the shelves more expensive?

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    The source of the horse?


    So now we know where that horse DNA came from. Except not really…

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    Jolly Roger


    At one stage it looked like he might be stuck there forever, but Greggs CEO Ken McMeikan finally got the green light to leave for wholesaler Brakes this morning…

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    Taking responsibility


    Any lingering thoughts that health secretary Jeremy Hunt has taken on Andrew Lansley’s mantle as Mr Responsibility Deal were put to bed yesterday, as food and drink companies were left in no doubt who the new person on the block is…

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    Bringing home the Tacon


    The Grocer spoke to Christine Tacon this morning, a.k.a. the newly appointed - and long awaited - Groceries Code Adjudicator.

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    Horses for cources


    ‘I phoned up Tesco this morning to find out the price of their beef burgers. They said 14/1.’

  • Comment & Opinion

    Horse trading


    With Twitter finally running out of horse-related puns, it’s time to start asking questions about the wider, longer-term implications of the horse meat burger contamination scandal…

  • Comment & Opinion

    The big freeze


    Heron Foods has notched up another year of sparkling results. The frozen food discounter, which has 170 stores across the north of England and the Midlands, saw its profits rise 15% to £8.1m…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Facing the music


    Hi Spirits brand Antica Sambuca had its knuckles rapped last week in a ruling that should give any business using social media (and who doesn’t these days?) pause for thought.

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    Guess who's back!


    It’s a year almost to the day since Philip Clarke issued Tesco’s first profit warning in two decades.

  • Comment & Opinion

    The GM detox


    There was much to admire in Mark Lynas’s speech about his personal journey from anti-GM campaigner to GM advocate at the Oxford Farming Conference last week…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Morrisons got talent?


    As expected Morrisons reported a rather gloomy Christmas with like for like sales down 2.5% for the six weeks to 30 December.

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    Slipped discs


    This Christmas, my wife surprised me with a shiny, new iPad.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Going cold turkey


    And we’re back. Well for us at Grocer Towers that is the case, but for many in the industry Christmas and New Year is not only the busiest time of the year but also the most critical in terms of sales.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Don't blame retailers for the Christmas crime wave


    The police have been getting quite political of late and it’s not just former Tory chief whips who appear to be in the firing line…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Value for money?


    Several newspapers have run stories this week about own brand budget lines getting more expensive at the supermarkets