All The Grocer articles in Blogs – Page 18

  • Comment & Opinion

    It's Amanda's world


    This week The Grocer welcomes its latest big-name guest editor. Amanda Sourry comes on board on Wednesday, taking a deserved breather from her job as UK & Ireland chairman of Unilever, one of the world’s true FMCG giants…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Lab rats and peacocks in a tale of two twitters


    Yesterday Daily Bread flagged up the French study into the effects on health of the Monsanto herbicide Roundup and a GM strain of maize resistant to it…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Coy Darcy keeps us waiting


    Costcutter retailers and suppliers descended on Birmingham yesterday for the symbol group’s annual exhibition and gala dinner.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Doh! A messy exit at Reckitt


    It’s unfortunate for the maker of Harpic and Cillit Bang to leave an unsightly mess in full view of the public. Then again, perhaps Reckitt Benckiser is of the opinion that “it’s better out than in”.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Prices margin for error


    Waitrose’s sales growth has been the envy of other food retailers for some time - but its profitability, this time last year, was rather less so…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Murray gets the loot in, not the Gluten


    So poignant Scot Andy Murray is finally proud Brit Andy Murray. And nobody is happier for him than Daily Bread.Murray’s spectacular triumph in Monday’s rain-delayed final of the US Open completes a redemptive arc that saw his traumatic loss in the Wimbledon final followed by a cathartic win on the ...

  • Comment & Opinion

    The new edition of The Grocer is now online


    “Cynical political maneuvering of the worst kind”. No, that’s not a reaction to the clockwork regularity at which Boris Johnson seems to turn up when there is something good happening in London…

  • Comment & Opinion

    London calling


    Well there you have it. While some analysts were predicting retail Armageddon when Morrisons revealed its half-year performance this morning, the Bradford-based based retailer was actually able to delight investors by not being quite as bad as everyone was predicting…

  • Comment & Opinion



    It takes a lot to get booed at the Paralympics. But George Osborne managed it last night as he handed out medals for the Men’s T38 400m.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Fuel for thought


    The Olympics put a smile on the nation’s face and even the rain held off for the most part. Those factors came together in whatever the opposite is of a perfect storm (a sunny day, presumably) to help UK grocers notch up their best month in a long time…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Bolland's brave new world


    You could feel the white heat of innovation burning furiously yesterday at the opening of Marks & Spencer’s new northern flagship. Or maybe the air conditioning wasn’t fully operational yet…

  • Comment & Opinion

    The moral maize


    ‘FAMILY FOOD BILLS TO SOAR’ roared the front page of the Daily Mail today, alongside gems including ‘What your walk says about your sex life’. You can guess where Daily Bread turned first…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Manchester United


    Media interest in The Co-operative Group has never been greater after the society scored a deal to acquire 632 Lloyds TSB branches last month…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Tesco's crossroads over traffic lights


    There will have been a few red, amber and even green faces at Tesco HQ this week, the way the news agenda has gone…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Still waters run cheap


    As the mercury soared over the weekend, the national press were getting hot under the collar about the latest nefarious deeds of Britain’s endlessly cynical supermarkets…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Sunshine on Leiths


    Leiths School of Food and Wine in West London was the setting for Asda to announce a 0.7% boost in Q2 like for like sales today.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Fag break, M'Lud?


    Smokers, tobacco companies and those with an aversion to government nannyism vowed to fight on today after the latest setback for opponents of plans to force tobacco into plain packaging…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Sainsbury's main event


    ‘Thanks for the warm-up.’ So goes the wry poster campaign for Channel Four’s coverage of the Paralympics, which get underway in a couple of weeks’ time…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Never on a Sunday?


    It would have come as no surprise to those in the small shops sector to have heard senior Tory MP calls over the weekend to make the temporary extension to Sunday Trading permanent…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Making hoy while the sun shines


    Sponsorship can be a fickle thing. Remember how quickly Coca-Cola dropped Wayne Rooney when he became entangled in negative publicity - or how GSK quietly brushed Ashley Young under the carpet after his woeful showing in Euros 2012…