All The Grocer articles in Blogs – Page 19

  • Comment & Opinion

    A man who made his marks


    Peter Marks, the chief executive of The Co-operative Group, announced his retirement this morning. Marks, who has been at the helm for the past six years, and has worked in the wider co-op movement for an impressive 45 years, steps down in May next year…

  • Comment & Opinion

    It's all cyclical for Andy Bond


    It wasn’t quite as dramatic as James Bond pushing the Queen out of a helicopter over the Olympic Park. But a startling cameo by Andy Bond in today’s Telegraph was still well worth a look…

  • Comment & Opinion

    A slow-burner for Weetabix


    Last month Kellogg’s was in hot water with the advertising watchdog over calorie claims relating to its Special K cereal…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Yellow jersey, golden fleece


    At just 10 stone and eight pounds, there’s not enough of Brad Wiggins to go round everyone who wants a piece of him…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Pester Power


    Never mind milk. How do you work out a fair price for a bank?

  • Comment & Opinion

    The lazy games


    Yesterday Daily Bread flagged up research showing Britons couldn’t care less where their food comes from. Today we found out why…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Food insecurity


    The amount of noise being generated over dairy production might suggest otherwise, but Brits don’t care about where their food comes from. That’s the finding, anyway, of a recent report for the European Commission on attitudes towards “food security, food quality and the countryside”.

  • Comment & Opinion

    All's fair in love and dairy


    Shoppers spent just shy of €5bn on Fairtrade goods last year – up 12% on the previous year. That was also the rate growth in the UK, which remains the biggest market for the ethical kitemark…

  • Comment & Opinion

    If the cap fits...


    A few days ago a host of respectable news sources, and the Daily Mail, were hoaxed by a video - admittedly, one that was pretty well made - purporting to show a giant leap in packaging by Coca-Cola.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Pint taken, says Paice


    One popular movie magazine has a strand of quick-fire interviews called How Much is a Pint of Milk? The idea is to find out whether the stars of the silver screen have their feet on the ground or their head in the clouds…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Dixon's next trick


    Taking over a business where like-for-like sales are falling by more than 6% is not an enviable task…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Click and connect


    Over the weekend,’s Robert Shrimsley - whose column is modestly sub-headed ‘the national conversation’ - riffs at considerable length on his emotional separation from ‘Ocado man’…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Kellogg's crying over spilt milk


    As another dairy processor today cut the price paid to its farmers, Kellogg’s was also left crying over spilt milk.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Out of pocket, out of love


    The thing about London buses is that you’re never quite sure if they’ll turn up at all. On the other hand, there was a grim inevitability about today’s news that first Dairy Crest and then Arla would follow Robert Wiseman’s lead in cutting the farmgate price of milk…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Live fast, die young


    So Euro 2012 is done and dusted and, for today at least, a nation turns its hungry eyes to SW19 in the hope that Britain’s brave Andy Murray doesn’t become Scottish flop Andy Murray again…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Fifteen minutes of Jamies fame


    Is Jamie Oliver the Andy Warhol of food? Probably not. It’s unlikely he’ll immortalise Yeo Valley the way Warhol did Campbell’s soup, but at the very least he’ll guarantee the yoghurt brand, along with Uncle Ben’s rice, 15 minutes of fame…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Ocado's summer od discontent


    Ocado has confirmed its new finance chief, with former Fitness First beancounter-in-chief Duncan Tatton-Brown taking up the position, as widely reported yesterday.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Penny for your thoughts, Dalton?


    At Morrisons’ Q1 results in May chief executive Dalton Philips described as “baloney” any suggestion that there were any issues with Morrisons senior team…

  • Comment & Opinion

    The best that Mac can get


    Procter & Gamble today issued its second profits warning in as many months. The consumer goods giant, whose portfolio includes Gillette, Head & Shoulders and Duracell, cut forecasts for sales and earnings for the coming quarter and the year as a whole…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Sayonara, Tsurakame


    So much for a clean break. Tesco yesterday revealed the details of its long-awaited exit from Japan, first announced last summer…