All The Grocer articles in Blogs – Page 20

  • Comment & Opinion

    In my day, lad...


    We all know the past looks rosier the further you get from it. Sir Ken Morrison last week used the AGM of the supermarket he founded to cast an admiring eye back to the good old days when Morrisons didn’t concern itself with fads like convenience retailing and the internet…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Reason to be cheerful?


    For a company that put so much weight behind the Diamond Jubilee, Sainsbury’s was remarkably coy about its performance over the four-day weekend in a conference call with press this morning following its first-quarter results.As well as sponsoring the Jubilee Pageant, Diamond Jubilee Beacons and Jubilee Woods Project, Sainsbury’s even ...

  • Comment & Opinion

    Sainsbury's opens a new chapter


    Sainsbury’s added another string to its entertainment bow today with a swoop for Anobii, an online vendor that lets users buy and review books from a library of 60,000 titles…

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    The second most stressful job in england


    As Roy Hodgson will know, you don’t get much time these days to get things right when you’re at the top. For Tesco boss Philip Clarke the scrutiny is perhaps even more severe…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Long to rain over us


    Damp squib or roaring success? While the weather did its best to put a dampener on the Jubilee celebrations, TV screens were nevertheless filled with scenes of hardy folk queuing for hours to wave at a passing hat.

  • Comment & Opinion

    Morrison's southern exposure


    As Dalton Philips proudly invited a bunch of hungry hacks to help themselves to the sourdough at Morrisons’ ‘Store of the Future’ in Tunbridge Wells yesterday, it struck a chord with those who remembered the flak the retailer copped following its acquisition of Safeway in 2004…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Metro closes the book on Makro


    Last week we asked Booker CEO Charles Wilson whether the wholesaler’s £63.4m net cash was burning a hole in his pocket. Wilson’s reply was that he was looking at acquisitions that were “right for Booker”…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Douze points from the Portas jury


    From flash mobs, to pop up shops, town criers to Dragons’ Den competitions - yes, in case you missed the latest chapter of the Mary Portas and Grant Shapps show it was entertaining stuff, if the jury still remains very much out on the long term impact of their bid to rescue our High Streets..

  • Comment & Opinion

    Booker's £63.4M question


    Booker may be the leading player in the cash & carry market but wholesaling isn’t a sexy sector to be in. The company therefore sometimes doesn’t command the column inches its retail counterparts do…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Bonus balls


    With our annual Power List on the way this weekend, it was apt to that two of the trade’s most closely watched leaders were yesterday back in the spotlight…

  • Comment & Opinion

    No regrets for Greencore


    If things had gone differently and Ranjit Boparan hadn’t made his audacious eleventh-hour grab for Northern Foods we might have been reporting on the results of Essenta Foods this morning…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Will cider wars go pear-shaped for Strongbow?


    As our sportsmen do battle on the fields of Poland, Ukraine and Stratford this summer, another clash of the titans will be raging in the drinks aisle…

  • Comment & Opinion

    An inconvenient fruit


    Getting people to eat healthily is no easy task. Fresh produce consumption in the UK continues to fall, and despite high-profile marketing campaigns for 5 A Day, just one in five adults currently eats the recommended five portions of fruit and veg…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Fat chance of another tax...isn't there?


    The health lobby went back on the offensive last night with a classic pincer movement. Two studies simultaneously argued for the imposition of more legislation to stop Britons gorging on fatty and sugary foods. Looks like it’s celery sticks all round for the Jubilee weekend…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Hovis where the hardship is


    The latest Hovis ad might help to sell loaves of bread but it’s unlikely to get youngsters rushing into farming. On Sunday night - as 11.4 million viewers tuned in to Britain’s Got Talent to see a dog crowned the most gifted amateur performer in Britain…

  • Comment & Opinion

    The thick end of the wedge


    Just a few weeks ago The Grocer questioned whether the drinks trade had the stomach for a protracted legal battle over minimum pricing…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Let tweeting dogs lie


    BrewDog generates a lot of noise proportional for its size. Given its penchant for ‘crap beer amnesties’ and bottles made from stuffed squirrels, you sometimes wonder whether the main business of the Scots tyro is craft beer, as it claims, or publicity…

  • Comment & Opinion

    Space race goes into stasis


    Justin King was clear on why Sainsbury’s got the impressive results it did - Brand Match.

  • Comment & Opinion

    King prawns and cocktails


    The idea of cocktail-themed seafood jelly shots raised plenty of eyebrows in Grocer Towers (and turned a couple of stomachs) when I wrote about them last week, so I couldn’t wait to try them out myself - and my colleagues…

  • Comment & Opinion

    A week is a long time in dairy


    Last week this column noted how life is rarely dull in dairy. And we got another demonstration today of how quickly things can change in the sector…