Board game fans are used to Monopoly money, but now they can trade in pieces of chocolate instead.

Three of the most popular board games in the UK - Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly - have been transformed into edible chocolate versions to satisfy gamers with a sweet tooth.

The formats of each follow the traditional board game rules, with the major difference being that players are allowed to eat the chocolate pieces. Trivial Pursuit players are asked questions printed on chocolate cards which they can eat if they are right, while Scrabble comes with game board and chocolate letters. The player with the highest score wins a chocolate golden disk. In the Monopoly version, blocks of chocolate change hands instead of paper money.

The products are made by Dutch company Gamesformotion and will be available in the UK ­multiples from this month through importer and ­distributor Bespoke Foods, priced at £6.99 each.