Top 15 brands advertised (by media) £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Total Press Radio Outdoor TV Total 36,956 4,590 580 1,419 30,369 1 Persil Tablets 5,700 12 129 266 5,293 2 Persil Revive 3,991 759 64 588 2,581 3 Bold 2 in 1 Aqua Tablets 3,123 421 0 0 2,702 4 Ariel Essential 3,061 1,273 232 0 1,557 5 Persil Pure Non Bio Powder 3,003 72 0 0 2,931 6 Ariel Automatic/Ultra 2,859 0 0 0 2,859 7 Surf Automatic 2,242 17 145 565 1,515 8 Fairy Non Bio Ultra 2,194 0 0 0 2,194 9 Vanish In-Wash 2,144 0 0 0 2,144 10 Persil Performance Tablets 1,807 1,173 0 0 634 11 Daz Automatic 1,651 123 10 0 1,518 12 Fairy Non Bio Liquid 1,589 0 0 0 1,589 13 Bold Automatic Liquid 1,257 0 0 0 1,257 14 Ariel Hygiene Antibac Pdr 1,209 350 0 0 859 15 Persil Colour 1,126 390 0 0 736 Top washing detergent advertisers £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Total 49,116 62,740 1 Lever Brothers 23,471 29,546, 2 Procter & Gamble 22,036 28,765 3 Reckitt Benckiser 2,949 34,209 4 Sainsbury 386 307 5 Tesco 138 37 6 Asda 59 41 7 Dylon 31 109 8 Somerfield 13 10 9 Morrisons 10 0 10 Jenks Sales 9 5 11 Astley Dye & Chemical Company 8 499 12 Vizir 4 0 13 PLP 2 0 All washing detergent advertising by media £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 1 Total 49,116 62,849 2 Press 11,042 8,466 3 Radio 958 1,026 4 Outdoor 2,471 3,565 5 TV 34,645 49,792 Source for all tables and data: AC Nielsen MMS My favourite powder or liquid ad Graham Walker. Nestle Rowntree sales communications manager Persil Capsules Aliens' ad "This ad for the laundry category's new boys is bright, colourful and cartoony and continues the trend away from happy smiling housewives boasting about the brightness of their whites. The liquid capsule-shaped aliens show a distinctly unhuman interest in laundry that focuses attention on the fact they are a different format. Their turquoise colour stands out and this, presumably, is aimed at making the consumer feel familiar with the new looking products when they open a box. The Telstar backing track also makes the ad ear-catching'." {{MARKETING - P&P }}
