Top 15 brands advertised (by media) £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Total Press Cinema Radio Outdoor TV Totals 11,871 7,980 201 217 229 3,246 1 Halewood - Lambrini 1,725 10 0 5 103 1,607 2 Ernest & Julio Gallo 1,635 1,540 0 64 31 0 3 Sainsbury range 1,058 960 0 98 0 0 4 Stowells of Chelsea 978 978 0 0 0 0 5 Jacob's Creek 947 197 0 0 10 741 6 Hardys 862 306 201 0 0 354 7 Garnet Point range 703 703 0 0 0 0 8 Freixenet 701 228 0 0 0 473 9 Bordeaux 615 5215 0 12 83 0 10 Les Vins Du Val De Loire 531 531 0 0 0 0 11 Tesco range 458 449 0 9 0 0 12 Waitrose range 452 452 0 0 0 0 13 James Herrick Chardonnay 433 405 0 29 0 0 14 Blossom Hill 419 346 0 0 2 71 15 Vins De Pays French Wines 354 354 0 0 0 0 Top 15 wine advertisers £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Totals 13,325 7,044 1 E&J Gallo Winery 2,607 2,002 2 Halewood Intl Wines 1,729 847 3 Sainsbury 1,137 520 4 Hardys Wines 1,134 625 5 Caxton Tower Wines 1,018 362 6 Stowells of Chelsea 978 2 7 Freixenet 703 192 8 Southcorp Wines 645 204 9 CIVB 615 815 10 Sopexa Fival Wines 559 303 11 Tesco 483 334 12 Waitrose 452 185 13 Sopexa food & wine from France 424 354 14 Western Wines 422 119 15 Blossom Hill 419 180 All wine advertising by media £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Total 16,887 11,546 Press 12,239 7,860 Cinema 467 158 Radio 429 573 Outdoor 475 633 TV 3,277 2,321 Source for all tables and data: AC Nielsen MMS My favourite wine ad, Shima Ferrers, marketing manager, Campina UK Gallo's Falling Leaf press campaign In a category with a plethora of brands, the Ernest & Julio Gallo Falling Leaf is an instantly recognisable label. Its long running press ad campaign depicts a product attribute subtly by incorporating an inventive piece of manmade art into visually arresting landscape photography. It is a simple but beautiful layout that combines a single minded message with strong visual stimulus and leaves the viewer with a lasting impression of quality and creativity. {{MARKETING - P&P }}