Top 15 brands advertised by media £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Total Press Cinema Radio Outdoor TV Total 17,133 2,080 359 6 0 14,688 1 Müller Light 3,408 657 0 0 0 2,750 2 Müller Fruit Corner 2,894 0.2 0 0 0 2,893 3 Danone Bio Activa 2,575 614 0 0 0 1,960 4 Ski range 1,842 16 0 0 0 1,826 5 Shape 1,422 0 0 6 0 1,416 6 Onken Fruit Mousse 1,414 13 0 0 0 1,401 7 Müller Yogurt 1,193 28 1271 0 0 1,038 8 Yoplait Petits Filous 1,051 113 0 0 0 938 9 Petits Filous Frubes 488 3 232 0 0 252 10 Müller Vitality 347 347 0 0 0 0 11 Adore Yogurt 125 2 0 0 0 123 12 Müller F/F Rge 111 111 0 0 0 0 13 Gordon Conrad Tot Grk 95 95 0 0 0 0 14 Onken Frufoo F/F Rge 90 0.2 0 0 0 90 15 Baby Danone F/F 79 79 0 0 0 0 Top 15 yogurt advertisers £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Totals 17,826 12,194 1 Müller 8,018 6,223 2 Danone 2,725 803 3 Eden Vale 1,886 326 4 Onken Dairy 1,614 929 5 Yoplait Dairy Crest 1,576 1,854 6 St Ivel 1,432 1,083 7 Heinz 166 165 8 Ehrmann 160 0 9 Gordon Conrad 95 34 10 Vandemoortele (UK) 43 475 11 Dromone Quality Foods 32 10 12 Arla Foods 31 52 13 Nestlé 22 173 14 Sainsbury 20 53 15 Farm Produce Marketing 4 14 All yogurt advertising by media £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Total 17,834 13,407 Press 2,656 2,187 Cinema 359 87 Radio 6 32 Outdoor 60 0 TV 14,753 11,100 Source for all tables and data: AC Nielsen MMS My favourite yogurt ad Tracy Roberts, brand manager, Tilda Müllerlight Mile-High Club Commercial Joanna Lumley did a fantastic job but this ad takes Müller in a new direction. The Mile-High club execution is an amusing scenario obviously aimed at a young consumer audience ­ and the use of humour is key in its success. What's really interesting is that Müller has avoided extolling the health benefits of Müllerlight and pushes the indulgence rather than the low fat. The end creation is a very funny and original ad, both engaging and great fun. {{MARKETING - P&P }}